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Unofficial Mod/SI Patches cause CTD on load


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So I'm having a problem - I can run UOP just fine, and all other mods I've tried. But USIP and Unoffical Mod Patch both will cause a CTD if activated (NMM) even if they aren't loaded. This has happened with multiple installs (though I've been using NMM).


I've been able to read through the comments and fix other issues but this one has me stumped. I'm not sure what to do. Here's a bit of mod info:


OOO 1.333 complete



At Home Alchemy

Darnified UI


Encumbrance Mod

100% Harvest Chance

Hoarfrost Castle

P1DKey Chain


More merchant Money

Natural Weather + Patch

Trade and Commerce

Quest Award Leveling v1.6


Is there something specific for the load order (I've moved them around, but basically Oblivion > UOP > SI > USIP(s) > DLC > UDLCP > Everything else.


Any thoughts, hints, suggestions, kick in the pants for being the problem being between the keyboard and chair? Thanks!

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The Unofficial mod patch is only needed if you have the official DLC's other than SI. The USIP should work though without any issues. I presume you have tried to install it prior to installing any other mods other than official and unofficial patches? If you try and install it after you have other mods installed I am not sure it will play nice.


What version of Oblivion do you have? Is it the GOTY edition, the Steam edition or regular edition? Where did you install it? What OS are you running?


Also, download and run BOSS as it does quite well at sorting out load orders. I would provide a link, but the site isn't responding to me right now.

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*Edit* That was ugly with multi-quote.... So I'm editing to a more bullet point.


* I have all 3, so I figured I needed all 3 patches (vanilla, knight of the nines DLC pack, SI)


* I had previously tried a vanilla install (only Oblivion + UOP, DLC Pack + UDLCP (knight of the nines), and SI + SIUP). I grew frustrated that it didn't work, so I started to play with the packs disabled with the other mods. I can deactivate everything or wipe it and start again if that's whats needed (Mystic Emporium is a headache - plus a few things I want to change)


* Activate order counts as much as load order? Overwriting is a CTD error possibly??


* Edition = CE I believe - not GOTY nor steam. Patched to the most recent (1.26.something? whatever was at the official website)


*Installed to C:\games\oblivion


* OS = Vista 64 (I know, I know, when I built my machine XP64 was worse than Vista available and 7 wasn't avaialble for another 9 months or so). Core 2 Quad (Q9550), 8gb ram, 1GB video card (512mhz? dunno remember - Raddeon 4870 I think).


* I'll download BOSS again. I had it, but it seemed like overkill with NMM, OBMM, OBSE, and Wyre Bash already (though the last one is just in case I want to uninstall mods).


Thanks for the help!

Edited by Lunytic
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Keirgarth, thank you! BOSS fixed the issue by changing the load order.


If I can piggy back a new question on - It recommended TS4EDIT to clean several mods (including several of the unofficial patches for the Knights of Nine content). Should I worry about this?


Thank you for your help!

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There are both sides on the question of cleaning the mods. I don't have any of the DLC except the SI and I don't clean the mods as suggested. I have very few problems when I play, though admittedly it might be smoother and less likely to crash if I did clean with TES4Edit. The problem is that using TES4Edit can potentially cause more issues if you are unfamiliar with it and make a mistake on what you are trying to do.
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