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So what I think may have happened to the Dwemer


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I'd hate to burst anyone's bubble, but the mystery of the Dwemer has been solved since Morrowind...well sorta. Reading the books called Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale, The Egg of Time, and Divine Metaphysics revealed a good part of what likely happened. If I'm not mistaken, this was part of a quest.





That's already been covered in this thread... Three of four times, in fact.

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Has everyone magically forgotten the works of MK?


The Dwemer were turned into the golden skin of Numidium, that is fact.


Numidium is gone, well it still fights mirror logicions of the Altmer in various alternate times, but in Tamriel prime Numidium is gone.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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The Universe exists within the imagination of a sleeping, scitzophrenic God (refered to as the Godhead).


Do you have *any* hit about that sleeping giant clichè in *any* TES game?


I actually think the universe exists as matrix like computer simulation, just for the entertainment of a single alien to TES-world. The whole world is stopped and reverted to previous timestamps by the sole discretion of that alien. That alien takes the role of a single character in that world and the whole world is halted when the alien is doing something else, and eventually destroyed when its bored. Some say the world is actually not really existing, and time only really runs around the character the alien plays. Furthermore the world exists multiple in a variety of shards, for different aliens and is made by other aliens for that alien, where they plot most of the story instead of it evolving on its own. Some say the disappearance of the dwemer is just by said aliens thinking it would give an interesting story, and they did not yet make up their mind what exactly happened to end - if they ever will.

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The Universe exists within the imagination of a sleeping, scitzophrenic God (refered to as the Godhead).


Do you have *any* hit about that sleeping giant clichè in *any* TES game?


I actually think the universe exists as matrix like computer simulation, just for the entertainment of a single alien to TES-world. The whole world is stopped and reverted to previous timestamps by the sole discretion of that alien. That alien takes the role of a single character in that world and the whole world is halted when the alien is doing something else, and eventually destroyed when its bored. Some say the world is actually not really existing, and time only really runs around the character the alien plays. Furthermore the world exists multiple in a variety of shards, for different aliens and is made by other aliens for that alien, where they plot most of the story instead of it evolving on its own. Some say the disappearance of the dwemer is just by said aliens thinking it would give an interesting story, and they did not yet make up their mind what exactly happened to end - if they ever will.


The godhead is actually Bethesda studios, not some sleeping giant. Vivec achieved CHIM by realizing he is a video game character.



Also faifh you are somewhat right in that the game world is matrix like, Vivec mentions heroes pausing the game, and loading save games, in his sermons.

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Also faifh you are somewhat right in that the game world is matrix like, Vivec mentions heroes pausing the game, and loading save games, in his sermons.


I looked it up.


The immobile warrior is never fatigued. He cuts sleep holes in the middle of a battle to regain his strength.”


-> Pausing the game to drink potions


he ruling king is armored head to toe in brilliant flame. He is redeemed by each act he undertakes. His death is only a diagram back to the waking world."


-> Loading the game if you die. Which is the greatest-super-power anyway. Who needs to be dragonborn and all that if you can turn back the wheel anytime even after death, and thus never fail?


“Vivec put on his armor and stepped into a non-spatial space filling to capacity with mortal interaction and information, a canvas-less cartography of every single mind it has ever known, an event that had developed some semblance of a divine spark.”


-> Vivec used the Construction Kit it seems to alter Morrowind. Now that would be scary if Ulfric would get access to the CK, wouldn't it? :-)

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But back on the topic of the Dwemer, they got turned into the golden skin of Numidium, they wont be coming back


I don't think this is clearly set in stone, yet. At least for Morrowing I read up every text in the CK back then to get a definitive answer - I didn't get it.

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But back on the topic of the Dwemer, they got turned into the golden skin of Numidium, they wont be coming back


I don't think this is clearly set in stone, yet. At least for Morrowing I read up every text in the CK back then to get a definitive answer - I didn't get it.


It was not in the game itself, it was stated by various Bethesda devs in the Skeleton Man Interview.



"Ah. I will tell you the truth, because you will believe none of it. The Brass God is Anumidum, the Prime Gestalt. He is also called the divine skin. He was meant to be used many times by our kind to transcend the Gray Maybe.


The first to see him was the Shop Foremer, Kagrenac of Vvardenfell, the wisest of the tonal architects [Mechanists - MN] Do not think as others do that Kagrenac created the Anumidum for petty motivations, such as a refutation of the gods. Kagrenac was devoted to his people, and the Dwarves, despite what you may have read, were a pious lot-he would not have sacrificed so many of their golden souls to create Anumidum's metal body if it were all in the name of grand theater. Kagrenac had even built the tools needed to construct a Mantella, the Crux of Transcendence. But, by then, and for a long time coming, the Doom of the Dwarves marched upon the Mountain and they were removed from this world."

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