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So what I think may have happened to the Dwemer


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What I think what happened is: If (a simple-minded in comparsion to the Dwemer) Vuhon could tear down Clavicus Vile's plane and take a flying city with him from that plane and transporting it to Mundus, it could be very possible that they could create their own plane or void-vessel (commonly known as spaceship). They all dissapeared due to the Tools of Kagrenac, they were meant to protect it's wearer from utter destruction, but somehow the properties of these tools could be interfering with the heart of Lorkhan (also known as Sheor in High Rock, Shor in Skyrim, and Shezarr in Cyrodiil)that was found underneath Red Mountain. Another thing that is crucial to this is that when their Amniculi go to far away from their place of orgin (which in this case is Red Mountain, the Dwemer used The Heart as a powering device) they will simply "shutdown". This proves a link between The Heart (located in Red Mountain) and the Amniculi. As the Battle of Red Mountain was going, Kagrenac used his tools to achieve victory over the Chimer. The way of doing this was using the Numidium, or The Brass God if you like. He used The Heart to power the Numidium, this went wrong and the process was now going into the creation of a portal, which opend in the links (the Amniculi) and transported all the Dwemeri to another place. This place is unknown. It could be another realm, or even another dimension, opposing to Mundus. The reason of which the remaining Amniculi is because of the Dwemer used a special sort of magic, so-called blood-magic, a magic that could only be envoked by the bearers of this blood. The bearers of this blood could also be unaffected or affected my this magic. In this case we speak of affected, they were all teleported to a location. Only the blood-wearers. Not the Amniculi, nor Chimer or other races. They could come back with the same "ruptures" as Vuhon made in the Umbriel-events, and conquer this plane. The last theory is quite unreliable, because they hadn't set a destination. They could be materialised in the void and be all dead. I hope this is making it a bit clearer (and I hope my engilsh was good, i'm dutch).
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Its clear the dwemer vanished as a result of Kagrenac's actions.


Don't the Elder Scrolls trump the Daedra and Aedra themselves?


Pretty sure they don't.


Regarding your theory,



The elder scroll you find in the dwemer ruin was being transcribed to the lexicon, which you perform yourself. Pretty tame event, nothing comparable to attempting to use the heart of a god and wiping out a race.


Edited by Trey5511
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pretty sure the elder scrolls trump any of the gods less than anu and Padomay(Sithis), so the order of what trumps what would go something like this


Padomay and anu the primordial forces

The elder scrolls

the et'ada (the Aedra and Daedra )

Ada any divine spirits that aren't et'ada also the ascended mortals (such as talos)

then the mortals and such which varies depending on which race you ask.


so anyways the dwemer vanished but may come back since no-one including the last known one of their kind knows exactly what happened to them... but seeing for some reason most of their guardians are up and running many hundreds of years after their disappearance with their sentient machines still doing their jobs would suggest that the dwemer weren't destroyed but instead are elsewhere. and since our favorite cat M'aiq the Liar has mentioned the that he knows why the falmer are blind and it doesn't have anything to do with the dwemer disappearing really. so Perhaps they are gearing up to further explain the Dwemer in a DLC or the next game ^^

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The Dwemer machines remian active so long as they are in proximity of Dwemer sites. If you take a Centurian Spider to Cyrodiil, it will shut down. This implies that their power sources are radiant, and located within Dwemer ruins. There is actually a book in Skyrim talking about the workings of a Spider, and it seems that they contain a Soul Gem, which may act as a component for the boiler which powers it. This implies that they are channeling energy from some source in the ruin, to the gem, to heat the boiler.


It stands to reason that these power sources would have limited range. That doesn't mean, however that doesn't mean that the Dwemer still have to exist to keep the machines running.

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I'm still leaning towards the elder scroll having something to do with it. Remember you had to completely reset the machinery to transcribe the scroll to the lexicon. Maybe they were doing some other weird experiment, who knows?


It's my understanding that the Dwemer simply poofed. One moment they were there, the next gone. It's stands to reason that their machinery would all have been running. It follows logically that folks as intelligent and crafty as the dwemer would have set up some automated defenses and in their absence there was never anyone who knows how to shut the defenses off. I imagine there's some esoteric means to control the spiders and centurions, nothing so simple as a switch.


That said, I think the Dwemer zapped themselves somewhere else. Perhaps somewhere in the time stream a la Alduin. Perhaps they're trapped there forever, perhaps they'll just reappear in some distant future and wonder why their grand homes look so run down all of a sudden. It would be a fun DLC!

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. I imagine there's some esoteric means to control the spiders and centurions, nothing so simple as a switch.

The dwemer could go between planes, and talk to each other via their mind. I'd assume the creations of their would either react to a dwemers present, and become friendly, or a dwemer could turn them off via their minds.


It would be a fun DLC!


The most vile race would be fun? Look what they did to the Snow Elves. look how much war they wagered. Look what they did to morrowind, and themself. Frankly, I love the dwemer. But they are more dangerous than the Thalmor and any dragons. When technology meets primitive, technology tends to win. The Dwemer currently are a few thousand years ahead of anybody else, seing how slow the progress of science is in Tamriel. They'd get some gattling crossbows going and take down armies, while they sit in a cosy castle with machien servants.


Besides, I bet the dadreic princes would go berserk if they returned. The Dwemer wasn't too clever when they started tricking and messing with the dadreas.

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