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Follower Gear Enchantment?


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I recently finished smithing a full set of gear for my follower (Jordis, in this case), and was set on enchanting them for said follower when I realized: I have no clue what to stick on each individual piece of gear, so I thought I'd ask, for something of a reference, what enchantments should go on which kind gear for companions? While I'm currently gearing Jordis, I think this actually can be applicable to any follower, so I think generalized answers would be helpful.
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I'm not a warrior, though; it's not in my mentality, so I have no clue what to put on a warrior's armor. I'm actually wearing Nightingale armor because (A) I like the look, and (B) because I'm really more of a stealth character, so to me, any time my follower ends up in harms way, it's because I already failed to do my job.
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