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Mods Installed


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Sorry but should have made the name of the topic actually Mods Loaded....


Ok I haven't seen anything about this mentioned here in the forums but I could be wrong. Anyway yesterday I started to notice that when I was at the game menu where you select to continue or start a new game and I clicked continue then that just above the next loading screen "Mods Loaded" shows. I've never noticed this before. And then right after I get the following prompt...


"Mods are currently loaded: note achievements are disabled do you wish to continue loading this save?"


First off I am not running survival mode. This would seem to be something related to that. Or at least I would suspect it to be since I remember that using mods in survival mode would disable achievements. Or did something recently change that I'm not aware of? Personally I could care less about achievements so it's no real big deal to me but I'm just curious why I'm seeing this unless it's normal now. Or maybe something is messed up? Anyway would like to hear if anybody else is seeing this or not to at least ease my mind a bit especially if this is now something normal. As I said this only started yesterday and actually after deciding to start a new play through.

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