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[Planned] Travel to Cyrodiil Mod


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Sorry for the n00b question, why exactly is bringing in Oblivion content such a no-no? Esp. if you own both games, the structure is so similar, they are both open to being easily modded?


Just seems kind of lame on Bethesda's part to get themselves hung up on that, no?

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why exactly is bringing in Oblivion content such a no-no


Against the EULA, which you - by the way, agreed to when you bought the game.

THere are a lot of reason why you can not remake a game, and even more why you can't port over.


You can't remake it since Bethesda says no. They might plan to remake older games later. They might want to keep selling the games. Either way, a remake in Skyrims engine would cost them money.


You can't port since Bethesda does not own the copyright to every model in their game. Some are bought, as every company does.


Generally, you can try to re-create cyrodiil today, but not as in Oblivion. That would be banned of every decent modding site, and by Bethesda.


And if I see one more guy say "hurr, the landmass is allready made!" I will shoot an arrow your way. It takes minute to make the landmass, and the models are there so when you are on the border you get a false feeling that Tamriel actually is there. They do not plan to recreate either Oblivion or Morrowind. At best we get to see some of Summerset isles or somethiing related to the Thalmor as an expansion.

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My question is if its possible to ask the Beth Developers whether or not we could directly port content over providing we have a legitimate version of both games. I know BioWare has allowed this with Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age Origins, letting modders utilise resources of both games in either one.
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My question is if its possible to ask the Beth Developers whether or not we could directly port content over providing we have a legitimate version of both games

You could ask, but most likely they would:

A) Not answer.

B) Say no.


The EULA says we can't, and they don't own all the models in the game.

Edited by Matth85
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I don't have much skill in modding, texturing, modeling, or any of that, but I can offer something a little different to your project. Since it's illegal to use content from Oblivion, I would like to compose an entirely original music score for your project. Combat cues, exploration, city themes, boss themes, regional themes, etc. If you're interested, let me know and I'll post a link for you to listen to my work.
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I would suggest trying to find some one on here with good legal knowledge, and then have a really good look at oblivions and skyrims terms and conditions. I would thing that if you have both games then yes, porting would be fine, but this is the common sense approach, legal terms are not always true to common sense :/ . You would probably need to have some good terms and agreements made up for your mod to when installing, to cover yourself the creator.


If you can get it to go ahead that would be great :D but surly you can use most of the models in skyrim rather than from oblivion? and nothing needs to be ecxacting, because cities will change over 200 years, some might not even be there. I would be looking to change it as much as possible, but leave some stuff intact, and ofcourse a good quest line, my be somthing to do with the line of emperors? i havnt completed skyrim yet so i dont know all lore, but sure you will think of somthing good. I would really l.ike to lend a hand on this, i had a little bit of personal modding for oblivion, making a house and a small village, but that was ages ago now.


I would really like this to be possible, it sounds like a great idea, it was one of the first things i thought of exploring when i got the game and am so glad some other people think it possible too, i would really like to see this done, rather than other little mods, a big one is better, containing much more lore and things to discover, mixed with the old haunts of pased games


Good luck, i hope you succeed :D

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would suggest trying to find some one on here with good legal knowledge, and then have a really good look at oblivions and skyrims terms and conditions. I would thing that if you have both games then yes, porting would be fine

We are a modding community. We know more about the terms, and copyright, than the average Joe. Why? Because we live and breath it every time we mod, and model.

I can tel you right here: No, you are not allowed to port. This is not an opinion, this is what we've agreed to in the EULA. This is mostly because Bethesda does not own the right to all of the models. They have bought a good portion of the models from freelancers and sites selling models, which is totally normal. They also might plan to do remakes, as popular studios does. Would you buy a Oblivion remake in 5 years, if there allready was one for Skyrim? I doubt it.


There is also the greyzone area of this. By that I mean: Are we allowed to remake a game, even if all models are made from scratch? Using common knowledge, we will say yes. However, unless somebody provides a source, we can not as far as I know. This is because a game is a work, like a painting, and we can't just copy it. At least not when the original game is being sold and gives the studio a small profit. The game as a whole is as much of a work as a single model, and we can't copy either -- in theory.



That said, I am still not sure how they would react to making cyrodiil today -- years after Oblivion. Since you only take the idea of cyrodiil from Oblivion, not the game itself. I suspect they would ban the mod though, but I have been wrong before.

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True that...whilst its a longshot think RFCW (Requiem of the Capital Wasteland) for Fallout 3 and New Vegas...Pretty similar to Morroblivion IMO, but its legal. Probably also has something to do with the fact that Obsidian pretty much used the exact same assets


EDIT: In that sense whilst the models were reused, the scripts, storyline, voice-acting were pretty much ALL ported over, all of Beth's work was pretty much placed into Obsidian's new game. Its a very grey area, sometimes Developers just let it slide because they don't mind too much, other times they decide to stop it at all costs like what they did with Morrowind and Oblivion. So IMO before jumping the gun about everything, it really is at the discretion of the Bethseda.

Edited by Deceptive Warrior
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