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New to Skyrim (not to TES), got some questions :)


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Hello everyone !


I've played Morrowind, then Oblivion, now starting up Skyrim. I got some questions, if someone would take some time to answer them, i would be very grateful :) (I only played Skyrim for about 1 hour for now)


1- I've noticed there are no longer classes, nor major/minor skills (which is an amazing great thing IMO). In oblivion, if i took too many non-combat skills as major skills, such as speechcraft, security, armorer, i ended up leveling faster than my combat skills, and the "level scale" quickly became too difficult. How is it in Skyrim ? Can i level up security and armorer (or whatever it's called now) without being overwhelmed by too-powerful monsters too soon ?


2- Quite the same thing as #1, but now about "too many combat skills". One of my favorite character (the one i'd like to play now) would be a versatile warrior, who can use every type of melee weapon, sometimes a shield, sometimes a bow, and even capable of wearing light armor with a sharp dagger sometimes. So if i choose to level many combat skills, will i end up high level, with hard monster, but with a lot of skills that are not high enough to survive ?


3- Blocking. In Oblivion, i always liked to use blocking, even while fighting with a 2h weapon. But now, for the few minutes i played, it seems that blocking does close to nothing. It doesn't seem to prevent any damage, nor "stun" the opponent. Did they change the blocking mechanics in Skyrim ? Will it just become much better when i skill it up ? Am i dooing something wrong ? Or is it just not worth using it in Skyrim ?


4- In the first 15 minutes, it seems i have to choose between 2 person to follow. an imperial, and a nord. Is this some kind of irreversible choice that will affect all what follows in the game ? (Keep it simple here please, i'm not looking for a spoil :) I just wanted to know if i should restart the game and think better)


5- Fast traveling. In one word, i hate fast traveling, it breaks immersion too much. (well it was more than just 1 word.. but anyway :P). The silt striders traveling system of morrowind was just perfect.. to my liking. In Oblivion, i tried a mod to prevent fast-travel, but there were too many quest involding gooing to another city back and forth only to talk to someone. What is it like in Skyrim ? Is there any transportation service such as morrowind's silt striders ? And if i manage to remove fast-travelling, will it become a living hell like in Oblivion ?


I think that's pretty much it about my questions.. i would have read the informations about Skyrim sticky, but the big red spoiler warning scared me.


Thanks in advance :)



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Hello everyone !


I've played Morrowind, then Oblivion, now starting up Skyrim. I got some questions, if someone would take some time to answer them, i would be very grateful :) (I only played Skyrim for about 1 hour for now)


1- I've noticed there are no longer classes, nor major/minor skills (which is an amazing great thing IMO). In oblivion, if i took too many non-combat skills as major skills, such as speechcraft, security, armorer, i ended up leveling faster than my combat skills, and the "level scale" quickly became too difficult. How is it in Skyrim ? Can i level up security and armorer (or whatever it's called now) without being overwhelmed by too-powerful monsters too soon ?


2- Quite the same thing as #1, but now about "too many combat skills". One of my favorite character (the one i'd like to play now) would be a versatile warrior, who can use every type of melee weapon, sometimes a shield, sometimes a bow, and even capable of wearing light armor with a sharp dagger sometimes. So if i choose to level many combat skills, will i end up high level, with hard monster, but with a lot of skills that are not high enough to survive ?


3- Blocking. In Oblivion, i always liked to use blocking, even while fighting with a 2h weapon. But now, for the few minutes i played, it seems that blocking does close to nothing. It doesn't seem to prevent any damage, nor "stun" the opponent. Did they change the blocking mechanics in Skyrim ? Will it just become much better when i skill it up ? Am i dooing something wrong ? Or is it just not worth using it in Skyrim ?


4- In the first 15 minutes, it seems i have to choose between 2 person to follow. an imperial, and a nord. Is this some kind of irreversible choice that will affect all what follows in the game ? (Keep it simple here please, i'm not looking for a spoil :) I just wanted to know if i should restart the game and think better)


5- Fast traveling. In one word, i hate fast traveling, it breaks immersion too much. (well it was more than just 1 word.. but anyway :P). The silt striders traveling system of morrowind was just perfect.. to my liking. In Oblivion, i tried a mod to prevent fast-travel, but there were too many quest involding gooing to another city back and forth only to talk to someone. What is it like in Skyrim ? Is there any transportation service such as morrowind's silt striders ? And if i manage to remove fast-travelling, will it become a living hell like in Oblivion ?


I think that's pretty much it about my questions.. i would have read the informations about Skyrim sticky, but the big red spoiler warning scared me.


Thanks in advance :)




Hi salawow!


1.i think you can lvl them up just fine, becouse in the end you end up lvling your fighting skills by using them anyway, its just the perks that give bonuses or special abilities you should check out...and if things become too hard you can always push the difficulty slider down to make things easier.


2.I think you should go exactly this route...versatile means challenge in this game...as i became to learn, game gets very easy if you specialize too much...though im unsure of warriors since i havent played this class yet.


3.sorry no clue about this one...currently im playing a dual wielding assassin so there is no blocking in my game :P


4.nope nothing irrevirsible here as far as i know, you can choose whatever you want.


5.you have carriages that can take you to all cities and are fairly cheap.

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1. now its kinda base on the 3 classes you can choose from that will level faster than other skills. i haven't got to high levels yet. but going into armor and etc to me doesn't seem to change how hard to kill someone. i have a pure warrior 2hander and use a bow for those hard to get mages. most likely best to skill into damage or armor before those other skills at lower levels.


2. shouldn't... go for the warrior skills and level them as you play. might be a bit harder than going into all one type of weapons. but i don't see it as a big issue like oblivion where if you went this class you couldn't go far from those skills you chose.


3. never really blocked just killing moves xD not sure how to answer this one.


4. imperial you help the imperial legion, the rebel you help the rebels. depends on who you love the most and go for that side.


5. " What is it like in Skyrim ? Is there any transportation service such as morrowind's silt striders ? And if i manage to remove fast-travelling, will it become a living hell like in Oblivion ?" well there is a transportation in skyrim at all castles that give you a ride to the other castles for a small fee. must discover all places to fast travel to them no free fast travels like with all the oblivion cities. doesn't seem like a living hell its fun running around enjoying the landscape and the misc stuff that goes on. traveling from city to city like for quests in oblivion i dont think they are like that. only level 10... :ninja:


hoped this helps my 15 hours of play and 3 characters " experience".

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Oh there is one thing to be mentioned though...smithing...be carefull with this one...there is a way to get smithing quickly to high lvls without much effort and it breaks the game since you can craft that way armors/weapons that wouldnt be normally availiable or wouldnt droped for your lvl...if you are going to lvl it up anyway take it slow :thumbsup:
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Oh there is one thing to be mentioned though...smithing...be carefull with this one...there is a way to get smithing quickly to high lvls without much effort and it breaks the game since you can craft that way armors/weapons that wouldnt be normally availiable or wouldnt droped for your lvl...if you are going to lvl it up anyway take it slow :thumbsup:


Breaking the immersion with some nice jedi lightsaber on a medieval battlefield is definetly not something i'm looking for.. :P. are you actualy telling me i shouldn't use smithing at all ? or just not to use some kind of "exploiting" tricks that will level it too fast ? if there's such a "trick", what is it, so i can avoid dooing it ? Or better, is there a mod yet that can prevent me from "cheating" with smithing ?


and OH, yes :), i remember what i forgot to ask about Skyrim. Is there any skill trainers that will bring up my skill in exchange of gold Septims/money Whatever Skyrim currency is called (i play WoW too much/i need to get some sleep also :P) (i realy hated how it worked in morrowind and oblivion)


Edit: some spelling mistakes

Edited by salawow
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1. There are no classes. The three Standing Stones you find are purely optional, you can change which Stone you have at anytime, or find different Standing Stones elsewhere in Skyrim.


2. You can gimp yourself if you try speed levelling straight away, but the Perks will help reduce that a little. If you find yourself a little outmatched, just head to a Standing Stone to level appropriate skills a little faster. For example, if you've speed levelled Smithing and find yourself at level 8, just trundle over to the Warrior Stone to help levelling melee skills, or the Thief Stone for Archery. Dungeons, Forts, Caves, etc around Whiterun (and other main cities) tend to be the easiest to do. As you move higher into mountains or away from cities, Dungeons, etc will become harder.


3. Blocking works best with a shield, but you can block with a two-hander. Dual wielding prevents blocking (sacrifices blocking for more damage output), as does wielding a one-hander + spell.


4. Choosing either person to follow is just a story choice, it doesn't lock you into any particular story line.


5. The fast travel system still exists in Skyrim, but there are Caravans that can take you to the main cities for a small fee. As Skyrim is a huge place, this helps a lot with initial questing. Also, fast travel is a godsend in Skyrim due to Radiant Story quests sending you to the arse end of nowhere a lot.

Edited by BrknSoul
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Congratulations and welcome to Skyrim! :3


1: Agreed, the new system feels so much better, and thankfully, from what I've noticed so far, it's a lot harder to end up "broken" at higher levels than in Oblivion. Since there aren't any absolute class-specific major-skills that needs to be levelled, you can pretty much pick up whatever you like at the beginning. I'd say, pick up one or two combat skills that you like (like One-Handed Weapons and Archery or Two-Handed Weapons and Destruction, or try 'em all out at once) and it will pretty much level up by itself, since you are going to do a lot of combat, after all. You're not really limited to anything, every skill upgrade counts in its own way. So go ahead and craft and pick locks to your hearts content! :3


2: I'm not really sure, but I don't think it'd be too much of a handicap to have your skills spread out over the board. Certainly, it's much more efficient to stick to one combat-skill, but I don't think it's a great liability to not max out one and one skill only. Of course, that sounds like a hell of a lot of extra equipment that your character will need to drag along.


3: As my current two chars both have Restoration in their back pockets, I'm not really sure how Block works in Skyrim, since I usually don't use it that much. But I've seen enemies be staggered by it, and although I lose some health, it's nothing like if I'd just taken the blow. It could be tied with the Block-skill, and I imagine it must become better the more skillpoints you've put in it.


4: Not from what I've noticed. Both will give some insight into the conflict from their own perspective and later give a quest to join their faction, if you'd like. However, both quests can be picked up later, so it's no massive choice of destiny.


5: There is a carriage-system, where you can visit a coach/wagon/whatever it is outside all major cities and travel between them. I've never used it, however, so I don't know how helpful it is. And if you remove or don't use the fast-travel feature, then be prepared to be hiking a lot more. But considering how beautiful Skyrim is, I don't think it'd be too much of a pain to hit the road and walk. I barely use fast travel anymore myself, simply because it's much more rewarding to simply walk there. Or swim, for that matter.

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