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Skyrim won't load save files


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I have a similar problem.

I deleted my enb enhancements and overwrote the backups at Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini.

Now i can´t load savegames which i´ve made while using the enb.

The nearest working save is over 30 hours away -.- I hoped i had enough of the fps problems earlier but they got worse in my opinion.

The Savegames seem to grow bigger the longer you play.

A 15 hours save has 3,5mb and my 170 hours (am i playing this long?!?) 15.7mb

So when it´s right that a save over 6mb gets problems you should go through the game in approximately 50-60 hours?

That would suck!

Hope anybody got an idea how to solve it, unfortunaly my saved enb settings which were the same as used (i think) doesn´t work -.-

Don´t want to loose 30 hours -.-


Greeting misery

Edited by misery4020
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Alright, this is happening to me now, unfortunately. As expressed in a previous post, I can load a past game save (just pure luck I had one sitting around). That save was at 4.6 Mb. I can load that game and then load any of my other saves from in-game.


All my other saves are over 9MB. So, the theory that this has something to do with large game saves seems to hold true. I have plenty of RAM (12 GB) and a high end video card - disabled all mods and ran with vanilla *.ini and the problem persists.


I didn't try uninstalling the game and deleting all references to it in the registry as suggested in a previous post. Nothing against that, it's just that thankfully I can still load my very old game save and get to my game saves from that one.


There is also a thread in the elder scrolls community forums about this issue but no insight into a solution.


In thinking back, I have started to notice longer loading screens after opening doors or fast travel. This is probably also connected to the large save file.


Hopefully the issue is addressed soon. This workaround solution is nice but who knows how long that will last.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok, i used to had the same problem, for me it worked to load a smaller savegame(just look in your savegame folder for a save way below 7 mb...).

then you just load the old save and load the normal save from there, it works fine and has no laggs or freezes so far.

it really seems to be a problem with the savegame-filesize, and i guess its not a modissue, because all my mods are running just fine.

try it out, i hope it works for you guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, i used to had the same problem, for me it worked to load a smaller savegame(just look in your savegame folder for a save way below 7 mb...).

then you just load the old save and load the normal save from there...


This seems to have worked for me also.


Another approach that looks promising is to load from an interior location. Can't confirm for sure, but I was able to load an 8 mb save from inside the Proudmore house with (so far) no trouble.

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  • 4 weeks later...

did you change something in skyrim.ini? like for "full 3d map", then remove lines with uLockedObjectMapLOD and uLockedTerrainLOD (this may lower objects and terrain detail on the map) under [MapMenu]

fixed the problem almost ever


You sir, are a god among men.

Edited by Demonic07
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  • 2 months later...

did you change something in skyrim.ini? like for "full 3d map", then remove lines with uLockedObjectMapLOD and uLockedTerrainLOD (this may lower objects and terrain detail on the map) under [MapMenu]

fixed the problem almost ever ;)



dude youre a champion and i love you forever.

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same problem here - sort of. Standing in Jorrvaskr in Whiterun and want to exit to outdoors. None of the two exits gives anything but the load-screen. I can go from one room to another inside Jovaskr opening and closing doors with no probs.

The save game is just about 6 mb (5860 kb). I have 16 GB ram so I doubt that that is the culprit.

Have tried to run the game in windowed mode, and it seems that windows rather fast detects that the Skyrim application doesnt react anymore as the windows waiting "wheel" arises after a few secons.


I have EXACTLY the SAME problem no doubt.

You rly described what i wanted to post.



EDIT: I have no 3d map tweaks, but can someone give me his Skyrim.ini?(clean) ugrid 5 cellbuffer 36

Edited by Dragonflarcos
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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

Had this issue on my own game just now. Only way I managed to overcome it was to delete the preference files relating to saves. I use SKSE and found I could load my saves using the normal launcher but not with the SKSE launcher, however I could not save. I then re enabled the bare minimum of mods needed to keep my game the same and it seems to have worked.

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