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Multiple non-parent form exists in two files


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I'm just starting to learn the CS and had success changing another much smaller mod and getting it to run in-game. Now I'm trying to modify battlehorn enhanced for personal use and I get several of these in a row pertaining to different files, mostly house ownership receipt scripts...



When I go ahead anyway and make my changes and save with the updated file in play, Oblivion won't start up properly and crashes. When I reinstall the original mod Oblivion runs fine again. Anyone know how to work around this?

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It's a script conflict. You're trying to have a esp based on another esp. This is a no-no with Oblivion. If you want to change the scripting that a .esp uses, you'll have to load that .esp as active. The game is probably crashing because the script in the second mod exists, but everything that script needs to work is only present and usable in the first mod.
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I'm not making changes to any of the scripts though and wonder how I can get around the file conflict. All I'm trying to do is modify the object content that was added by the Enhanced plugin and not anything from the original DLC.
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I'm not making changes to any of the scripts though and wonder how I can get around the file conflict. All I'm trying to do is modify the object content that was added by the Enhanced plugin and not anything from the original DLC.

You can't modify anything that is part of one mod in another, everything you want to change, or use has to be part of either the currently active .esp, or part of the loaded .esm. If you are using any content from another .esp, you will have issues like this. You will need to make a copy of the DCL and then modify it. This also means that you cannot share those modifications with anyone else.

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No, as in make a copy of the DCL and stick it somewhere other than the data folder incase you make a mistake or want to use the original again later. Then modify the DCL that is still in your data folder to have those changes that you want. And delete the plugin that you've already done since it cannot be used.


The issue here is not simply that the same form exists within two seperate mods, the issue is that the same form exists within two seperate mods, and those things which that form uses are not present in the second mod. Meaning that the form is being overwritten by the second mod, but does not have everything which is required to function also present in the second mod. This means that what you would need is a complete copy of the first mod in the second mod just to get the changed scripting to function. Meaning that the second mod really isn't needed if you just change the scripting within the original mod. By just editing the first mod, and not even making the second mod, you remove chances of duplicated forms and conflicts.

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Thanks for your help but this might still be a little out of my limited knowledge. I tried to load Oblivion, DLCBattlehorn, and Battlehorn Enhanced with the DLC as the active file and still get the warnings. When I go ahead anyway the CS crashes which it didn't do when BE was set as active. The only way I don't get the conflicts is to not set an active file but when I create a new plugin and add/use it doesn't show any changes like one object I deleted just to test it and see if that would update in-game.


Anyway I should probably focus my sights on less problem-raising tasks for now and let you help the more able modders out there. The only reason I'm even trying this is because there's a group of objects in the add-on which lowers my FR whenever I'm pointed in that direction. I thought if I could just delete those static objects which I don't use anyway then I wouldn't get that slow-down effect whenever looking there. Also I thought it would be good practice.

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I apologize for bouncing this but this is driving me up the wall. How do I use a DLC as active plugin but modify content that is added by another mod? I think that is what Vagrant is saying. I get 'script not found' warnings but all I want to do is delete a few static objects in the 2nd/addon plugin and add one object. When I bypass warnings CS crashes if DLC is set to active and addon is loaded. The ony way to avoid this I think is to not load active file. Please help.
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This means that what you would need is a complete copy of the first mod in the second mod just to get the changed scripting to function.


Let me be concise. You can't. It all has to be in a single mod.


So when the mod author created this mod he loaded oblivion & DLC and created new plugin called battlehorn enhanced. I download, try to modify the additional content, fail, come to forum to ask for help. Experienced modder comes by to break it down for me in the longhand. Short hand of it: there is no possible way to modify the add-on mod. Is that correct?


I tried to 'combine loaded plugins' but that didn't seem to work either. I'm just not sure why you would tell me to make a copy of the DLC as a backup and modify the original if I can't.

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As I've tried to explain, mods based on mods are bad, they don't work in Oblivion since IDs of things change based on loading order. The only reliable way to make any change to a mod is by editing that mod. This applies to any change, no matter what it does. I was under the impression that you were making the enhanced mod, and were considdering your changes to be the "enhancement". If this is a mod from someone else, that makes things alot more difficult since you don't know how he arranged the load orders so that things link up properly. Mods like this are simply bad mods because of this. They only work when that load order is maintained, and cannot be easily edited due to having to load them in the CS in the same way that the author loaded them, as well as playing around with the load order for Oblivion once the mod has been saved and the changes made. I don't know what the mod is supposed to be doing, but it sounds like either you screwed up the mod by editing it, or the original author didn't know what the heck they were doing.


My suggestion is to redownload a fresh copy of the mod, make sure it runs in game, and just use "disable" from console to turn off the statics that are causing the trouble. The statics will still have collision, but will no longer have their visable portion rendered.

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'BC Enhanced' is an add-on mod for Battlehorn Castle by another modder that expands (for my purposes here) the Great Hall--which I would imagine shares the same ownership receipt scripts--the original problem stated in this post. As you already know I'm just trying to delete a cluster of static objects that was created by the add-on mod that hits my otherwise smooth FPS. These objects are in a new tacked-on wing of the Main Hall and honestly, I always wished it were a new, seperate cell and never understood why the new wing was not cell-linked.


When in the CS I load Oblivion, DLCBattlehorn, and the BCEnhanced add-on. Whether I set the original Bethesda DLC or the modder's add-on as active I seem to get the warnings I already noted. This is ALL before I do any editing/saving to anything, with all original plugins. My only thought is that the Great Hall is referenced in both the original DLC and the add-on mod--which by the way adds 2 new ownership receipts located in the same cell that must be picked up and kept in inventory in order to get their scripts to run. So many problems and all I want to do is delete a few stupid objects from an otherwise cool mod.


I will try your console suggestion as a last resort. I just want to make sure that given everything I explained above I still can't get around these problems in the CS because the add-on mod is flawed in some way.

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