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So how well is this game optimized for pc?


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Been on the other forum and TONS of people are experiencing issues with the game, but no complaint on this forum. Im assuming everyone is running the game on high-max at 50-60 fps constant even in cities?


It isn't. At all.


Which is not to say it does not run well. But running well on PC does not mean the same thing as 'optimized for PC.'


Skyrim's UI is based on consoles. Which works for me, since that means it is made to be used with a controller. I have had wrists and must use controllers to game, so the console UI is a blessing for me. But I sympathize with keyboard and mouse users, who must be beyond frustration with this UI. The UI deserves every criticism it gets from PC gamers.


The game still uses low res textures and DX 9 in 2011. The reason it runs so well is not in fact optimization. It is more to do with the low quality of textures in this game. They simply do not push PC hard at all. Rather, PC is able to run this game at a constant 60fps not because of optimization for high end PC's but because of optimization for low end consoles.


All in all Skyrim is a good game with lots of depth and plenty to do. Numerous quests and the possibility of mods on PC. The game offers hours and hours of entertainment. But technically, its the same rubbish I have come to expect from Bethesda games.

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I get litterally 3 times better frames than oblivion and i'm running ultra O.o oblivion i was running high. the only thing that craps on my frames and it's probly just I need faster Gpu but particle effects like fog in buildings and smoke drop my frames from 45-50 all the way to 10-15 but im sure i need a faster card and it's only for interiors outside fog and smoke is just fine in fact I get best frames out side with the huge draws for some reason.
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Have you played previous Beth games? Then you exactly know what technical problems it has. Except for it seems to run a bit more smooth overall (except for CTDs without 4gb) and you don't really need any high-end PC to run it medium/high and looking very good.


That's about performance. The bad stuff about Skyrim isn't performance.


Edit: Oh yeah, just remembered, the console shadow rendering is rather horrible, but maybe they'll fix that eventually as they realize Xbox and PC doesn't run the same CPU and the rest along the way.


But over all it runs good, looks great and doesn't strain PC much. But that last part might be because it's still optimised for Xbox :D


And as many pointed out... I also have better FPS on Skyrim High than Oblivion High... which makes me smile here and there when you compare how the graphic looks.

Edited by elvinkun
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Its not at all good on my PC. My cpu never goes above 50% my gpu doesnt seem to get taxed as its temp doesnt go above 60c, and on top of this I get crappy fps. If the game just used my hardware properly it would be beautiful, guess I'll just have to put up with low res stripey shadows and a cold draft from the back of my case untill someone makes a fix
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