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Lorewise, aren't things like Elven, Dwarven, and Daedric katanas a little bit silly?


I kind of agree


we can argue that we should be able to make Katanas made of dwarven metal, same all other types of minerals (with a few exception), but "Elven" and "Daedric" sound kind of bad

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The material can be anything, it's the style that matters. A katana in the game is just an Akaviri style, using a different material, but keeping that style still makes it a katana, the name just denotes the material or in the case of the Blades, the faction's own take on a classic style.
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Lorewise, aren't things like Elven, Dwarven, and Daedric katanas a little bit silly?


I kind of agree


we can argue that we should be able to make Katanas made of dwarven metal, same all other types of minerals (with a few exception), but "Elven" and "Daedric" sound kind of bad


I couldnt care less, don't download it if you feel so strongly about it.


Weapon damage scales are based upon the materials (sort-of) and so I'm sticking to that, plus from an aesthetics perspective, it will be better to match existing armor.


Personally I find that the Elven sword in-game is way too chunky, so a more 'elegant' blade would be much more fitting.... as for Daedric, again, the previous games did have Daedric Katana's and the Daedric sword is also particularly chunky.

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And what about 2H weapons ?

I want a nodachi, a naginata and a yari ^^



I was under the impression that Tachi's were longer than Katana's but it appears that I was mistaken, so yeah I'll be making Nodachi's as two-handers.


As for Naginata's and Yari's, there are no spear animations in the game as far as I'm aware, so this may not be possible yet.


If someone can make em, I can make the weapon :)

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