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Male Wood Elf Hair Fix, please, anyone?


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I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this. If you have, then I won't feel so alone 0_o


When I first started playing Skyrim, I went straight for the Bosmer because, personally, I love the changes in their appearances from the other games. I chose one of the male presets, edited a few things...and then I got to the hair. I'm playing a mage, so I went for the shorter hair options because I like my mages looking neat.


I have attached a screenshot, but it seems my game makes some nasty looking screenshots, so my apologies about the quality. You will still be able to see what I'm talking about hopefully. Anyway, with a male wood elf, the shorter hair it seems to have an ugly gap next to the left ear. It doesn't occur in any of the other characters, elven or human. I was wondering if anyone could please fix this? I have no custom content or modded textures. It's not a TERRIBLE problem, but after a few hours of looking at my character it does start to irritate me :(

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  • 1 month later...

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this. If you have, then I won't feel so alone 0_o


I have this problem also, which is sad because my hard core characters are mostly Bosmer males. So this reduces the number of hair models to choose from :(

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

After creating my first Wood Elf character today and seeing this problem, I searched for a fix. This tiny thread is the only thing on the entire internets mentioning this problem. I would absolutely love a fix just like the others here, so if a savvy modder just happens by this thread, perhaps they could use their talents to aid us?


This problem is also seen even in Bethesda's official race preset photos

Note: the glitch above the right ear is what we're talking about, if you were unaware.



C'mon Bethesda...

Edited by TheClassyPython
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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

So after months and months of having this issue and ignoring wood elf male characters altogether, I think I've found a solution. A friend of mine who does a lot of character modding told me that it was a meshing issue. The other night I downloaded Ethereal Elven Overhaul and I noticed, to my surprise, that the woof elf hair problem is gone. This is because EEO edits the face mesh, and subsequently fixes the problem, or at least it does for me.


At first I was a bit sceptical about using this mod as I'm not a fan of going too far away from traditional elder scrolls lore, but I was actually very impressed with the mod. It makes the elves feel new and fresh without sacrificing their original design, AND it fixes the male wood elf hair problem we've been having. Try it out for yourselves maybe?


You can find the mod here on the Nexus - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24273

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