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Everything posted by LeanWolf

  1. In response to post #73619223. #73620048 is also a reply to the same post. Now you have to click on Mods, while on a game page; before you could just mouse-over Mods, from any page.
  2. Hasn't the image share always been full of terrible pictures of half-naked women? I just avoid the place and follow a few select users whose images I like.
  3. Issue is reported for USSEP here (status: Confirmed), in case anyone wants to add anything.
  4. Finally some confirmation, thanks! I'll report it to USSEP and see what they say. Do people even look at things when they play? I could find no mention anywhere of this rather blatant bug.
  5. Yeah mine looks fine in Nifskope too, but in-game it doesn't (image 1). I'm wondering if this mesh doesn't work right in SE and nobody has noticed or bothered to report it.
  6. Hey, thanks for the reply! So I'm not crazy.. could I ask you to check how it looks in your game? You can open meshes in SSEEdit now?
  7. Hi! I'm usually pretty good at troubleshooting my own game, but this one has me stumped: I just got into the Soul Cairn in my SE playthrough and noticed that the big glowy crystals that suck your health (the Ideal Masters) atop some ruins didn't look right: I checked my mods and I have none that touch the Soul Cairn, so I fired up the CK64 to find the mesh (DLC01IdealMasterCrystal.nif), but it still looked bad: so no unknown mod/BSA was inserting bad meshes/textures. I then unpacked and opened the mesh to see what textures were involved, and none of them were already located in my data folder; so no loose files overwriting either. So my purely vanilla IdealMaster gem doesn't seem to work! I then checked my Oldrim folder and it was also only using the pure vanilla mesh and textures. I unpacked that and opened it with the old CK and it looks as it should: BUT, when I open that same Oldrim mesh with the CK64 it looks exactly like the SE mesh (image 2). So what's going on? Why won't SE or the CK64 show this mesh like Oldrim does? Can anyone confirm that their gems look proper in SE? Tip: you can quickly see how a mesh looks in the CK by right-clicking on it and choosing 'open with' then select the CK64 (even faster if you use CK Fixes). Is it just really late and I'm missing something obvious? Any help appreciated!
  8. If you mean the physics spazz out for a second on entering new cells, that's a known issue and there's no fix for it as far as I know. You learn to ignore it.
  9. It is 2k but it's also a bit on the blurry side, I've used it in one of my personal mashups and I did have to sharpen it up. The author himself showed some images of a 4k update, but has since fallen silent.
  10. Urthos is right, new models, even meshes that just replace vanilla ones like BSW's, are considered "external assets" by Sony and are not allowed for PS4. It's just not possible, if it was, I'd do it.
  11. Excellent article. Pity few people who should actually read it will, due to its length, but it does cover the bases. I would only argue two points: 1. They did not give us "all the tools needed to survive", the CK allows us to do alot but much has been accomplished through community-made tools that they would not provide. 2. I doubt very much that they were taken by surprise by the mod thefts, they do nothing but benefit from them so why would they care? It's not like mod authors are software companies going to sue them. They see mods as creations made by their tools for their games, and they see mods made by other tools as "hacks", which shows how much they care about their authors' rights; this despite the fact that user-made weapons and armours are some of the most professional and popular mods available.
  12. So.. nobody's tried editing a bow with Blender? It's not often I ask for help, I can usually find a hint of a solution somewhere on the net but this one has me stumped. If it's actually an error with the Nif Blender plugin then I'm the only one to have found it and ask about it.
  13. Basically I import a normal Skyrim bow mesh into Blender - no errors and the bone nodes are where they should be. I touch nothing and immediately export the mesh back to .nif - no errors. Opening the mesh in Nifskope the bow looks fine but the bone nodes are moved to bizarre new positions. Only the first bow bone node (Bow_MidBone) is in the right place, the rest have gone off in wrong directions. Is there a "don't rotate" option somewhere? I've exported armors with bones and skinPartitions without this problem, is there something I'm missing? I'm using Blender 2.77a and nif_plugin-2.6.0a0.dev4. I've asked over on the NifTools forum but that place is a ghost town.
  14. I added an onTriggerLeave section to re-enable the activator (even though the weaponRack scripts should handle that) and it seems to work now, the effects even play more often now.
  15. I'm almost certain it's the WeaponRack scripts that are somehow interfering, or vice versa. I think I'll just set up a button to re-enable the activator should it refuse to do so on its own. The effects I can live without.
  16. That pretty much is the whole script, minus the properties. I haven't tried removing anything, as it's already as minimal as I can make it.
  17. I want the special effect to play when the weapon is charged, so yes when it is placed on the rack. I cannot play an effect on an item that has left the rack, and it wouldn't look right to play the charged effect when the weapon is removed. Thanks for your reply though, I'm at a complete loss as to why the effects won't play for most weapons, but will for a rare few. I'd also dearly like to know why the activator sometimes doesn't re-enable itself when the weapon is removed. I may have to head over to the AFK forums to see if some of the Papyrus gurus who re-made the weapon rack scripts can shed some light on these mysteries.
  18. Hi! My house mod has a Sword-in-the-Stone style weapon display/charger, basically put in any enchanted weapon and it will recharge it. The setup is a standard vanilla weapon rack, using it's scripts, with an additional script attached to the WeaponRackTrigger. Here are the essentials of that script: EVENT onTriggerEnter(objectReference triggerRef) if(SKSE.GetVersionRelease() > 0) float WeapMaxCharge = (triggerRef.GetItemMaxCharge()) if (WeapMaxCharge > 0.0) int Count = 0 While (!triggerRef.Is3DLoaded()) && (Count < 50) Utility.Wait(0.1) ;timer to be sure object is3DLoaded before playing FX Count += 1 EndWhile WeaponChargeFX.Play(triggerRef) ;not working, except on Miraak's Staff? triggerRef.SetItemCharge(WeapMaxCharge) ;totally working endIf endif endEVENTIt works fine, except: The WeaponChargeFX does NOT play, oddly it does play for a few odd weapons, like Miraak's Staff, but otherwise no effects. Occasionally when the weapon is removed from the display, the activator does not re-enable, meaning you can't put in another weapon. As there is no other way to re-enable the activator, the display/charger becomes broken and useless.Most crucially, can anyone tell me why the activator sometimes fails to re-enable itself when the weapon is removed? I'm using USLEEP, as is most of my home's users I assume, so those WeaponRack scripts are being used (to place the weapon on the rack) together with my little additional charging script. Less importantly, but also anoying, can someone tell me how to get the special charging effects to play? I've tried sending the effect to a static object instead of the weapon but it still doesn't appear. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  19. Autosaves can cause ILS, or at least they could before the SKSE RAM tweak, maybe they still can I don't know, I disabled them long before that. Only when autosaving on entering a new cell though, not the other autosave types. Hating on quicksaves on the other hand is all pure BS, they're no different than normal saves. I've used them forever without any problem.
  20. In response to post #37049815. #37049835, #37049895, #37049925 are all replies on the same post. I can confirm that the forums are inaccessible. I get the same thing: brief loading.. then the screen flickers and I get the default "Server not found" page. I use Firefox.
  21. Any idea where they would be found in order to edit them? I can't see anything in FO4Edit... MapMarkers are statics that are placed manually in the worldspace cells.
  22. If it's like Skyrim, the names are stored in the actual MapMarkers.
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