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Word Wall gliched?


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For PC users I found a .. well lets call it a "chance fix"


While I was searching for the fix to this bug I hit esc on the game. hit alt tab and searched all while standing infront of the wall in question. When I tabbed back into the game after exiting the menu the wall activated instantly.


Idk how this happend or why... but Yay for +100 luck.

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  • 4 months later...

I have had this happen at Arcwind point. There is a fix for that one if you get sent there but have already absorbed it, so that you can keep getting more words from the greybeards.


Use: setstage FreeFormHighHrothgarA 20 and you get the message saying the quest was completed. This works for any of the Word Wall quests and I just used it for Mount Anthor.


I just had to use player teachword 602A3 to learn the word.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 8 months later...

Is there any updates on how to get these walls fixed?

Read above your post.


For PC users I found a .. well lets call it a "chance fix"


While I was searching for the fix to this bug I hit esc on the game. hit alt tab and searched all while standing infront of the wall in question. When I tabbed back into the game after exiting the menu the wall activated instantly.


Idk how this happend or why... but Yay for +100 luck.

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  • 5 months later...
Word wall stopped working for me in Ustrangrav, the "turn etheral" word wall. You would go up to it and nothing would happen. reloaded the game....nothing. This happned one other time, during Bleek Falls Barrow, which was a main quest. So obviously this is a bug.

Usually this happens to us modders, (especially NMM users) because we are constantly adding, deleting, changing, doing whatever to our game, which ends up in dead-end in scripts, and other "bloated" problems within our games. This has happened to me a few times, with different bugs. So before I freak out and start "un-modding" and pulling my hair out to try and figure out why my Skyrim Nirvana has been altered, I run a save cleaner on my game, in fact I do this every time I run into a problem/bug. I even do this for CTD problems (sometimes it solves it, sometimes it doesnt). Save cleaning is really effective as a first measure, especially if you have been running a "stable-ish" Skyrim (meaning you have been playing a while without problems) and are just now running into a bug. Like I said, if it fixes it, sweet! easy solution. If is doesnt....back to the skyrim modder's grind.

Below is the link.

Its easy to use, open, click on the options it gives you, STAY AWAY from the advanced options UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. THE ADVANCED OPTIONS WILL, I REPEAT WILL, BREAK YOUR GAME, if you dont know what you are doing/if you are not a modder/mod builder/creator, rather you are just a person who mod's skyrim (There is a difference).

Now if that doesnt work, manually you might have to add it with console commands. The other thing is, more than likely, your modded skyrim is causing some sort of issue (I laugh when people say that their mods "DONT/CANNOT cause X? conflict"....no there is conflict in there somewhere, I promise you) which is preventing the execute in the game for the word wall to activate.

Good Luck

Power to the Gamers

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