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Weapon & Armor Variety


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One of the short-comings of Skyrim beyond its lacking interface is variety of weapon and armor models. For instance, there is no reason why all the high end armor should give the player a very ominous look -- there should be some kind of armor and weapon set that allows the player to look at bit more friendly and hugable (lol, though I protest any "my little pony" ideas :P -- Awesome with less baddass is the idea). I know that I for one was sitting at level 50ish with dragon armor thinking "Thats it? This is what I'm limited to?"


So, I would think that this would be on someone's plate at some point? If not I'll be happy to get a project started if there are plenty of others with some desire for a better assortment of weapon models and textures.

Edited by leewells
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