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Custom weapon - missing modification category (Scopes)

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I've created Object Mod files, Construction Object files and Miscmod files for every part of my gun and yet the scopes category will not appear in the workbench menu when I view it. I've made an IronSights object mod using the pipe revolver ironsights as a temporary thing, and plan to have it reference no model and just be a null mod, but right now there's no sub menu for scopes showing up.




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Thanks for the comment Fisher. It seems like both of those are correct - I did have the ap_Gun_Scope keyword on my receiver OMOD but not on the ironsights, reflex and long scope, so now they all do. My receiver mesh already had the P-Scope connect point. Unfortunately there's no change, I still can't see a scopes menu. What is ap_gun_ScopeDisplay and should I leave it as a keyword for the reflex and long scope?

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lol never mind, I fixed it. Amazingly all three scopes COMODs had the wrong 'created item' assigned.


While we're here, how do you change the order of the modifications that appear in the workbench menu? i.e. put a more advanced stock underneath the less advanced ones?

And how would I go about hiding the barrels submenu (I don't plan on doing more barrel types so there's no point in the option being there)?

Edited by TheRizzler1
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The order they appear is determined by the value of the corresponding misc item.


About the barrel, usually people leave it with just one option. I'm not sure if you can hide it from the workbench while still having it attached, and if there are any problems if you do.

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Thanks. The value - of course, I haven't set those up yet. Makes sense. One more thing, my gun is literally more accurate than the particle accelerator at CERN (the cross reticle is completely closed) even though I've copied the hunting rifle long barrel's properties, and can't see anything in the receiver or other parts that might cause the gun to have bugged/ultra high accuracy. Why could this be happening? Not sure where to even start with this one (tbh it happens to all the receivers)

Edited by TheRizzler1
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Tha values in the attachments look ok. Check the Aim Model record then, it controls the base accuracy. You should probably create one copied from a similar weapon and adjust the values (the lower the cone of fire the more accurate it is), then reference it in the Weapon record.

Edited by Sam Fisher
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Quick question to those who seem to know.


Attach Point Index 0


What is the INDEX for?


Is the index always 0, unless you had more than one node named P-Scope (or whatever)?


Is this utilized to mark something as a scope in the scope 'slot' but use a different attachment point?

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