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CoW Vendors Aren't Selling After Buying Mod Spells


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Last week I picked up the following three mods:


Lost Grimoire of Skyrim: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60796/?


ASIS: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18436/?


Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16225/?


Today I went to buy the spells from the mages at the CoW. I had no issues buying them from Tolfdir or Enthir. When I went to the hall next door, I noticed I could only sell to the vendors before buying the new spells. If I tried to do it afterwards, the gold wouldn't exchange hands. When this first happened with Drevis, I was able to get my gold back by quitting and restarting the game. This trick didn't work with the other three. Also with Phinis, at one point I could have sworn athat after I read the spell books to learn the spells they didn't show up in my spell list. I may have reloaded while trying to see what was going on so that may have been that particular issue. These vendors were working correctly before this. I reset the Apocalypse spells and will be checking later if that was the issue. I will also be checking this issue without these three mods and one at a time as well, but if anyone knows what the issue may be I'd appreciate the help.


My LOOT order is:


0 0 Skyrim.esm

1 1 Update.esm

2 2 Dawnguard.esm

3 3 HearthFires.esm

4 4 Dragonborn.esm

5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp

6 6 Falskaar.esm

7 7 Wyrmstooth.esp

8 8 mannyBlackRock.esm

9 9 SomeguySeries.esm

10 a WM Flora Fixes.esp

11 b HighResTexturePack01.esp

12 c HighResTexturePack02.esp

13 d HighResTexturePack03.esp

14 e 2k_dds_elementals.esp

15 f better embers.esp

16 10 purewaters.esp

17 11 dense vegetation.esp

18 12 tree and lod swamp.esp

19 13 pureweather_brighter nights.esp

20 14 real glaciers v2.esp

21 15 tree and lod snow.esp

22 16 tree and lod forest.esp

23 17 QaxeQuestorium.esp

24 18 Distant DetailHF.esp

25 19 Wyrmstooth Spell Integration.esp

26 1a restoration_spell resurrect.esp

27 1b When Vampires Attack.esp

28 1c Forgotten Dungeons.esp

29 1d Hebrock_Der Schatten von Meresis - EV.esp

30 1e Run For Your Lives.esp

31 1f quest_thebiggertheyare.esp

32 20 Forgotten DungeonsDLC.esp

33 21 quest_nomercy.esp

34 22 quest_seaofghosts.esp

35 23 BloodOfTheNord.esp

36 24 crimsonquest3.esp

37 25 no_guard_warning_after_shouts.esp

38 26 Better distant LOD waterfalls V1.esp

39 27 SkyUI.esp

40 28 FloraRespawnFix.esp

Mysterious Cave.esp

41 29 WMFF_Wyrmstooth.esp

42 2a WPHG.esp

43 2b Wyrmstooth_FRF.esp

44 2c DeadlyDragons.esp

45 2d Falskaar & QaxeQuestorium Fix.esp

46 2e quest_sorcery.esp

47 2f ForgottenCity.esp

48 30 quest_andtherealmsofdaedra.esp

49 31 mu.esp

50 32 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp

51 33 Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp

52 34 LostGrimoire.esp

53 35 Predator Vision.esp

54 36 skyforgedShields.esp

55 37 ASIS-Dependency.esp


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Last night I disabled all three and was then able to buy and sell as normal a couple times. I then re-enabled ASIS and at first it was the same. Then I had an idea to make a larger purchase and got the error again. I then quit the game and went to disable ASIS to confirm if it was the mod or a glitch when I decided to re-enable all three and make the purchases again, but in small amounts. I'd sell to each of the vendors, then buy the spells I wanted until I got them close to 1,500 gold, at which point I would repeat the process. It took longer, but I was able to get all the spells I wanted and their gold.

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