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Asian race


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I would find it interesting to have some asian race, to make some samurai looking guys or pretty girl with hairstyle like those in shoujo mod which was made for Fallout.

Maybe some kimono or samurai and ninja armor, things like that could be fun~

I hope someone could make it, I wish i had the skills to make it myself but i have no knowledge at all for this kind of things...


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Edited by buddah
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Asian people wouldnt survive in the north? Eskimos are Asiatic in descent...


Also there is the fact that northern Japan has some pretty bitter winters. Eastern Russia has people of asian decent and is fairly close to the arctic circle.



Finally, Skyrim is not the north pole/alaska... its more like Norway or Finland.


OP: Also I too would like to see asian races for Skyrim... Akiviri humans would fit in, maybe there could be a "lost colony" stuffed somewhere in one of the uninhabbited regions of the map.

Edited by kitsuneshoujo
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Post above^ Sometimes I wonder if this forum is full of peverts. What would make sense is seeing eskimos hunting mammuths or maybe those big sea lions hornets. Asians as in samurais running around woulnd't make much sense and in my opinion be out of taste.
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There is a allot of Japanese influence in the design of Orc armor and other things like their top knots and facial hair. So you could just play an orc.
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