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I need help


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Okay I haven't played skyrim in like a month or so but and two things are totally out of place 1: my eye for sneaking is clear in a left corner. 2: My upper screen where the arrow is now short. I'm not really smart on computers and games and yes I have mods like realvison enb and enb the lastest update. skse I downloaded from steam so I think that's updated. And 16:9 1600x900 both 8 samples and no window mode.

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Hmmm - at a guess you might have a zoom mod in action? "Look Closer"? It looks like you are zoomed into the screen. Check your FOV settings in the INI files? Also double check the screen size in the INI files, too - just in case it got knocked by a mod.

Sorry if that's a rubbish reply. But I got mixed up once with Field of View.

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