Dimitian Posted August 2, 2016 Share Posted August 2, 2016 (edited) I've had an idea for scrolls, and how they might be improved. The idea comes from the scene where Alduin is seen being sent forward through time, when the ancient Nord reads from the Elder Scroll. This same animation is used by the Moth Priest in Dawnguard.Scrolls, as they are now, grant a spell for a period of time and are then destroyed. After the spell included in a scroll is aquired, the scroll becomes useless. I, personally, have never found use for them.I also recently came across a mod that features scrolls (and books) as wearable items, and I had an idea for the Scrolls being taken off the place they are kept and being visibly used with the scroll-reading animation: The scroll would still function as a magic based weapon, using the aforementioned scroll-reading animation. The first thing that came to mind was to use it like a staff, but that seemed like it would look a bit stupid (carrying a book in your hand while swinging a sword sounds a little plausible, but a scroll would be too fragile to handle constantly in battle). So, the thought occurred to have it as an ability granting object, like the Ahzidal's Ring of Arcanna, that activates like a power with the Z key.However, that would require going into the menu or favorites menu to select it, and there is already a lot of things queued for the Z key. So perhaps it could be mapped to another key, the F Key, which currently allows the player to take a look around the character while the weapons are drawn. Just a quick reassignment, and the Scrolls can be quickly used. Suggested action process is a bit complex; hit the proposed F key, and an instant targeting effect is used, like Reanimation spells (so if you miss you target, you don't bring out the scroll and nothing happens).Once a target is selected, the player uses the following animation; the character reaches behind themselves to grab the scroll with the left hand. If during combat, you have a shield equipped or a weapon in the left hand, the scroll is still used as normal without disappearing any items, allowing full weapon/equipment use (you will simply have the shield on you arm as you read behind, or the sword will still be in your hand while you use the scroll).Once taken out from behind, it is held in front and 'read out'. The target is then affected by the spell of the scroll. There are two types of scrolls, kept in two different locations on the body:Small Scrolls are kept behind on the left, in a small leather pouch that is in the same general spot as crossbow bolts, but a little lower (or higher) so as to avoid clipping.Large Scrolls are kept on the back in the same general area as the vanilla bow placement, but slanting down from the left shoulder to the right hip. I have no suggestions on how to avoid clipping with that. The spells work like Curses (I confess, I take insiration from Harry Potter here...): Obedience – Targets up to level<mag> will submit to you for one command. Press ‘E’ to assign task.(You can order the target around like a follower, but only for one command, which it will do for 60 seconds or until task completion. Perhaps this could be scripted to not count as an attack? Or would that be broken?). Pain – Targets up to level<mag> will be brought to their knees for 15 seconds, suffering <mag>pts<element> damage. Haunt – For 60 seconds, the target is swarmed by apparitions that attempt to tear out the targets soul for <mag> chaos damage (soultrap that does damage). Possession – For 60 seconds, the target is harassed by a spirit trying to regain a mortal vessel, driving them mad. 30% chance for the target to be possessed and bound to you (Fury that has a chance to instantly turn the target into a zombie). Thwart – For 60 seconds, the area targeted will be impassable. If cast on targets up to level <mag>, they will be enveloped and suffer drowning damage (my idea is the eerie blue arua from the College of Winterhold Wells, stemming up from the floor, two meters wide and three meters high. It could be used to trap a target and damage them, yes, but it could also be used to block a path to allow you to retreat without being pursued, something that sounds handy for long range strategy. As for the trapping feature, it doesn’t work on undead, atronachs, or machines). Frailty – For 60 seconds, target does x% less damage (good for indirect combat). Vitality Siphon – For 60 seconds, the target’s Health regeneration is decreased by x%, and yours is increased by x%.Stamina Siphon – For 60 seconds, the target’s Stamina regeneration is decreased by x%, and yours is increased by x%.Magika Siphon – For 60 seconds, the target’s Magika regeneration is decreased by x%, and yours is increased by x%.(For these, I knew that it was pretty much mandatory to HP/MP/SP spells, but I didn't want to go with what had already been done; leeching their <atb> to restore your <atb>. Instead, decrease their regeneration, of said <atb>, so they can still regenerate but at a slower rate, while you regenerate faster) Finally, I don't want this to be a spam item; just target every enemy with Pain or Thwart, and you win easy. So I started looking up 'cooldown' effects, and I found the following (it's copy and paste, I );Cooldown function:Easier to just use CK, and leave scripts alone.-For example lets say you want to make a spell heal 30 HP and have cooldown of 10 seconds.-Create a new magic effect with "Dummy" archetype and set it to 'fire and forget'.-Create your new spell and add the healing effect and also add this dummy effect. Set duration of dummy effect 10 seconds and in conditions of spell add "Not have magic effect". Now your dummy effect will act as a cooldown effect for your spell. So, cooldown effect starts as soon as you press the assigned key, and lasts regardless of whether or not you hit you target (so don't miss, and don't use on a target that might be too high in levelling for the scroll). Cooldown could last 40 seconds, or whatever sounds reasonable.Also, if charges could be applied as well as a Magika cost, that would be a good touch. As for types of scrolls;Paper Scrolls - look like vanilla scrols (https://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimg1.wikia.nocookie.net%2F__cb20120909150236%2Felderscrolls%2Fimages%2F0%2F0c%2FSealed_scroll.png&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwewillnotbow.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F100169285583%2Fa-rolled-up-scroll-sits-at-anarions-doorstep&docid=ttBQTSZDcaCwfM&tbnid=8LewiVQ2mbmMsM%3A&w=419&h=311&bih=979&biw=1920&ved=0ahUKEwilxomWu6LOAhUQ5WMKHaawACAQMwg-KBswGw&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=311&w=419)(https://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimg-aws.ehowcdn.com%2F615x200%2Fcme%2Fcme_public_images%2Fwww_ehow_com%2Fphotos.demandstudios.com%2Fgetty%2Farticle%2F171%2F105%2F78367113_XS.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ehow.com%2Fhow_10002547_make-retractable-scroll.html&docid=mGvDtfXxirollM&tbnid=xx0UQNA3H5Md-M%3A&w=159&h=200&bih=979&biw=1920&ved=0ahUKEwiNiML5uqLOAhVW0mMKHS5xB04QMwgrKBAwEA&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=200&imgdii=xx0UQNA3H5Md-M%3A%3Bxx0UQNA3H5Md-M%3A%3BTmcaR1qzZWlq-M%3A&w=159)Leatherbound Scrolls - https://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimg0.etsystatic.com%2F103%2F0%2F9403839%2Fil_570xN.837670582_hep2.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Flisting%2F248890517%2Fhandmade-paper-leather-roll-up-scroll&docid=NYnBuNjJWvt3AM&tbnid=HmpxYi1znsXdvM%3A&w=570&h=413&bih=979&biw=1920&ved=0ahUKEwjPpL7EuqLOAhUX7WMKHU6KDM4QMwgoKA0wDQ&iact=mrc&uact=8Encased Scrolls - (https://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ffto.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2012%2F11%2Fscroll-banner-stylus.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ffto.net%2Fcategory%2Funcategorized%2F&docid=tB4Rz1W8ssVDqM&tbnid=sQHKhOtA3IVNQM%3A&w=600&h=240&bih=979&biw=1920&ved=0ahUKEwifwoeBu6LOAhUT0mMKHeX1BkI4yAEQMwgrKCcwJw&iact=mrc&uact=8)(https://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FnfxF75HmuXU%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DnfxF75HmuXU&docid=N1ZzT2N86tjMvM&tbnid=47wBqsA6DbYumM%3A&w=1278&h=720&bih=979&biw=1920&ved=0ahUKEwiNiML5uqLOAhVW0mMKHS5xB04QMwgcKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8) Edited August 2, 2016 by Dimitian Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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