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OBMM selection process options for omod


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So I'm not great at modding, but I've been using OBMM for my mods, but after creating the HGEC body replacer omod and it come up with the green square so it's ready to activate, and I'm I've successfully activated it to check too, but I'm not sure how to open the omod to select my preferred body types etc? Like with NMM it comes up with a selection process and boxes to tick before it actually installs, but this didn't happen for OBMM? What have I done wrong? Or what do I have to do? Please help
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Use EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion for females and RobertMaleBodyReplacerV5 for males. Both come with an option to download as a premade OMOD (top listed download for EVE, fourth down from the top in Roberts male) and will walk you through the selection process. Install the included armor/clothing replacer that comes with each unless you prefer to see weird stuff on exposed skin areas (see the thread started in this section by trrrf for an example of not using the armor/clothing replacer). Edited by Striker879
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Thank you for replying. But the HGEC body mod I downloaded was OMOD ready, it's just when I successfully install it as an Omod, I do not understand how to choose the preferred body options that should appear? Like there are boxes to tick for the NMM version? But I'd prefer not to use NMM
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OMOD Ready isn't the same as a premade OMOD. OMOD Ready means the files and folders are arranged in a manner that OBMM can understand, but doesn't necessarily mean there is a script to walk you through the installation. You will notice those downloads I recommended download with the file extension OMOD, and OBMM will start and run the installation script no matter where you have them downloaded on your computer when you doube click on te downloaded file (even downloaded to your desktop, though that is not a location I recommend).


I doubt that the other HGEC download has an equipment replacer (sounds like the old original HGEC download to me, that was somewhat recently updated to include a NMM option).


Like I said, if you don't mind mismatched body textures while wearing vanilla clothing/armor then go with one of the old outdated HGEC downloads that doesn't include everything, otherwise go with EVE.

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