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Armor changes skin color?


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Sounds like the armor mesh itself that has skin colour has the incorrect flags set and/or has been exported incorrectly so its not skin.


Is it just a specific/some armors or all armors showing skin on the body?

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Sounds like the armor mesh itself that has skin colour has the incorrect flags set and/or has been exported incorrectly so its not skin.


Is it just a specific/some armors or all armors showing skin on the body?

All of the vanilla armor does this. Custom armor is fine, though.

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What body mods are you using? Is your character male or female?


- Edit - Look here for more info and links.

Edited by Striker879
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What body mods are you using? Is your character male or female?


- Edit - Look here for more info and links.

My character's a female moonshadow elf, with the custom race's default textures and meshes. Nord and imperial (which use HGEC) don't have this problem, so it seems to be a problem with this custom race.

Edited by trrrf
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Should be OK if you use the EVE armor/clothing replacer ... vanilla clothing/armor will display different anomolies for different races and different clothing/armor worn.


HGEC and vanilla don't use the same body texture mapping at all and are not compatible with one another. You want HGEC, you need to go all in HGEC.

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Should be OK if you use the EVE armor/clothing replacer ... vanilla clothing/armor will display different anomolies for different races and different clothing/armor worn.


HGEC and vanilla don't use the same body texture mapping at all and are not compatible with one another. You want HGEC, you need to go all in HGEC.

The problem only occurs on my custom race - the one without HGEC.

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If the race isn't HGEC compatible then HGEC won't work with it. Check your race mod for recommended clothing/armor replacer.
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