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Level up only for combat, pickpocketing etc


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I wouldn't ask if I had the understanding to do this for myself (or forget about it if it was impossible) but is it possible to do a mod that would keep reading books or have lessons by trainers having impact on leveling up?


To make it clear: I like to improve skills by reading books or being trained for money, I just don't like the impact on the levels this might have, since I tend to read every book and take any lesson I can find and got the strong impression, that about 5 of my actual 32 levels result out of this behaviour.


And btw:


Would it be possible to make this mod also stop activities like trading and crafting having impact on levelling up? Or to say it straight: was it possible to do a mod for only levelling up by doing combat, sneaking, pickpocketing and such like, and would someone be willing to do such a mod? I would really appreciate this.


Thanks for your time and please forgive my bad English

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