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Who killed Lydia and dumped her at my wedding?!!


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Hi All,


Spoiler warning:


I've run into a problem, and here seems to be the best place to ask.

I recently decided to marry Aela. I got the amulet, Aela's agreed, and with her in tow I head back to the priest. He sets the time, and I "wait" till just before dawn. Seconds later, two blokes enter, dump a dead Lydia in the doorway, and leave. Aela and the priest are suitably annoyed at me, and I'm left stunned. I lost Lydia (presumed KIA) way back when I thought a dwarven bow was pretty neat, and have avoided companions since. Aelas the first to not get on my nerves, and it seems I can't marry her? And who killed, and subsequently dumped, Lydia???


And what the heck's an Aluminium Falcon?

Edited by DentedHead
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