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You at your most evil (share you favorite evil moments)


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I steal sweet rolls.




For my Dark Brotherhood initiation I did it the way the game practicaly invited me to-I did it "Brent Weeks style" and stabbed Grelod The "Kind"(butcher) in the back in front of all the orphans gathered together as they bid her goodnight. To my surprise they all erupted in cheers of "grelod's dead! aventus did it!" It felt like a service to them, and got me my place among the DB.


Probably though my darkest moment was a night of blood and fire when I commended every corrupt soul in Riften to oblivion, including a bloody purge of the Ratways that left not even a Skeever alive.

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God speed, villain.


I mean, really, come on, they put AN ORPHANAGE in a single-player RPG game that offers the player the ability to be evil, it almost feels like letting them down by leaving it standing and it's inhabitants alive.

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I think just the fact that i took so much time out of my questing just to scour skyrim for the most innocent person to follow me to a certain place and trust me to do a certain thing that ended up with their being sacrificed


lol after reading all the stuff above like "murdering children" etc then seeing this, hahah, yes sir, you truly are an evil bastard!!!!!!

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In one night I massacred Faendal in Riverwood since he seemed to be pretty back-stabbing as he asked me to give a fake letter to Camilla Valerius. I then heard that Sven does the same when you talk to him first :facepalm:


For fairness purpose I will now "visit" Sven next time I come a croos Riverwood :devil:

Edited by wickedinsane
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Happened just yesterday. I was encumbered, the store was closed, so I dropped the 'to be sold' items nearby. A guard then told me off for littering.


I love this game.

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So i was at Riften, running arround town doing things...when i visited the orphange.

The building was empty so i got a bit curious where everyone is...found Grelod the Kind in the backyard with the children being again bad at them.

I was listening for a few min to all that preaching and i decided ima kill that old witch...since i felt like i dont want to spent waiting untill everyone gets back and goes sleep i decapitated her right before the eyes of the children and they started to run arround happly yealing "Grelod is dead...HAHAHA!"


At that time i had this strong wish there would be a pat animation with my character saying "very good my child"wich i would used on one of them...

worthy successors to dark brotherhood!

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I had just finished the Thelmor quest from Delphine where I go to the dinner party and find stuff out. She had taken all my stuff before going into the party. Said she'd give it back after all was said and done. All was said and done, she said she gave me back my stuff, but my stuff wasn't back. Looked all through out the inn in all the chests, storage containers and barrels, my stuff was nowhere to be found. I looked at Delphine and clicked on her but she wouldn't give me back my stuff. Then she had the nerve to ask if there was anything else...and for some reason that enraged me so I just started chopping her up with my sword.

Of course, I didn't save it but it was soooo much fun. I ended up reloading just as I enter the Inn and for some reason that time she does actually give my stuff back by leaving it in the bedroom chest and I didn't have to kill her again. :D

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