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You at your most evil (share you favorite evil moments)


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223 murders with a total bounty of 5616, which amounts to 25 bounty per kill. Not a bad ratio if I do say so myself. I don't put much value on body counts alone. Anybody can hack a village to pieces. Doing it with skill, that's where the fun is at.
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turned into a werewolf in whiterun and slaughtered everyone there! (including the jarl) then i saw the girl is there alive. i was pissed that just a child survived the sack of whiterun. so i downloaded the killable children mod and killed her! mwahahahahahahaha.


then i made a pile with the corpses and fus ro dah them. (i have the fus ro norris mod. its really great for this work)

Edited by magiii
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I made a Joker-like character (As best as the character edit would let me.) and now, Cicero and I go around Skyrim, killing indiscriminately, stealing sweetrolls, casting frenzy spells and making messes in random houses.


But I suppose my crowning moment of evil was sacrificing poor Cicero to Boethiah.

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A few of the Dark Brotherhood quests were quite evil. I won't go into specifics due to spoilers... but some of them did involve the cold murder of innocent women, beggars, old seniors, etc.


Although it was fun being an assassin I couldn't help feel a pang of guilt when I broke into a family's manor as the slept, walked about in pitch blackness, murdered their daughter, and left without a trace.


The harrowing nature of my act was further amplified when I came back to the same house a few days later only to find that the mother of the women I had murdered had drank poison and commit suicide...

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So I get to the first town after Helgen. Riftwood I think. And after talking to one guy and waiting a total of 3 hours (shop was closed) I get attacked by three bastards in full heavy armor. Seriously? I just started the game I'm f**** n level 2 and three random A-holes attack me for no reason and the town guards wont even help! To say the least I was wiped out. So I did what any good person does and set the difficulty to novice so I could kick some ass. After I fed the corpses a few flames I decided to loot the bandits. AND WHAT DO I FIND? someone who wanted to kill me hired these pricks? seriously? I JUST STARTED. I haven't done jack s*** you lying B****. let alone enough to warrant sending thugs!


Now hears the good part (-:


It takes about a year but I finally find the person who signed the contract so do i kill her?

not good enough!

For three days game time. once each night before she goes home for the night I lure one person into her house, kill them, and arrange them in her bed. equip them with full heavy armor then leave. I figure she must be a wreck by now, shes got to get the picture right? so I wait another three days without doing anything... then that night I sneak in and reverse pickpocket, her note to the thugs back, onto her body, than I leave. She must know that she has only three days left right? so I do the unthinkable. exactly 48 hours later I start a town killing spree (I'm lvl 60 some at this point).



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I really don't like to play "evil" characters, except very occasionally, and haven't done so in Skyrim, yet. This, in spite of having finished the Dark Brotherhood questline once -- I wasn't proud of some of my kills, but most of the "hits" deserve it. Anyway, on my current playthrough I was trudging up the 7000 steps and got the hated "What do you want, cat?" greeting from Karita when I approached her. I'm playing a Khajiit, and people always say this in the most condescending tone. It really ticks me off. Now, I didn't want to incur a bounty, and she's non-aggressive. I figured if I just took out my annoyance on her and killed her that I'd get saddled with a murder and a 1000 gold bounty in Whiterun -- nice way to start off my career as Dragonborn and Thane of Whiterun, huh? On the other hand, I couldn't let this bit of insolence go unpunished. Aaaaand ... I remembered reading somewhere that she always has an Amulet of Talos -- nice little bit of jewelry for the Dovakiin, yes? I wanted that amulet and I wanted her to pay. So I riled up the Frost Troll that makes his home higher upslope and led him all the way back to Karita where he made short work of her. I killed the troll, looted both of their bodies, and proceeded on to High Hrothgar, a happy kitty.
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