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Unable to get written permissions?


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I had to get a new hard drive and have to start the game all over again. When I try to start Nexus under Skyrim it tells me I am unable to get written permissions for the game. I've tried using different files but nothing works. I won't be able to play again until I get the mods working. (I don't like spiders, okay.)

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Have you tried running Steam, Skyrim and Nexus Mod Manager all in admin mode?


When you re-installed, where did you install Steam and Skyrim? If you went with default directories and they are found inside the Program Files directory, that could be part of the problem. Windows has User Account Control (UAC) which is designed to prevent unwanted tampering of programs without user consent. This makes modding difficult to say the least as Windows will sometimes let a program appear to do its thing but is actually preventing any changes from taking place. The easiest solution to bypassing UAC is to install games and the tools to modify the games into directories that are not within UAC's scope of control.


If that is not the case, I have no idea...

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