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Deadly Dragons New Dragons Are Invisible


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I installed the Deadly Dragons mod the other day and I can't seen to get it running correctly. The SkyUI menu option isn't there, despite SkyUI and SKSE both being current versions, and the new dragons are invisible until I kill them and begin absorbing their souls. At that point I can see the bones and I can hear the dragon's body start to disintegrate, but I don't see the transition. The normal dragons appear just fine. Of the two issues, I'd really like to get the latter problem fixed. While having the MCM menu option would be great, not being able to see the new dragons kind of kills this mod for me. Load order is as follows:


0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
6 6 Falskaar.esm
7 7 Wyrmstooth.esp
8 8 mannyBlackRock.esm
9 9 SomeguySeries.esm
10 a WM Flora Fixes.esp
11 b HighResTexturePack01.esp
12 c HighResTexturePack02.esp
13 d HighResTexturePack03.esp
14 e 2k_dds_elementals.esp
15 f better embers.esp
16 10 purewaters.esp
17 11 dense vegetation.esp
18 12 tree and lod swamp.esp
19 13 pureweather_brighter nights.esp
20 14 real glaciers v2.esp
21 15 tree and lod snow.esp
22 16 tree and lod forest.esp
23 17 QaxeQuestorium.esp
24 18 Distant DetailHF.esp
25 19 Wyrmstooth Spell Integration.esp
26 1a restoration_spell resurrect.esp
27 1b When Vampires Attack.esp
28 1c Forgotten Dungeons.esp
29 1d Hebrock_Der Schatten von Meresis - EV.esp
30 1e Run For Your Lives.esp
31 1f quest_thebiggertheyare.esp
32 20 Forgotten DungeonsDLC.esp
33 21 quest_nomercy.esp
34 22 quest_seaofghosts.esp
35 23 BloodOfTheNord.esp
36 24 crimsonquest3.esp
37 25 no_guard_warning_after_shouts.esp
38 26 Better distant LOD waterfalls V1.esp
39 27 SkyUI.esp
40 28 FloraRespawnFix.esp
Mysterious Cave.esp
41 29 WMFF_Wyrmstooth.esp
42 2a WPHG.esp
43 2b Wyrmstooth_FRF.esp
44 2c DeadlyDragons.esp
45 2d Falskaar & QaxeQuestorium Fix.esp
46 2e quest_sorcery.esp
47 2f ForgottenCity.esp
48 30 quest_andtherealmsofdaedra.esp
49 31 mu.esp
50 32 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
51 33 Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
52 34 LostGrimoire.esp
53 35 Predator Vision.esp
54 36 skyforgedShields.esp
55 37 ASIS-Dependency.esp


If I get the chance, I'll try posting a video of the problem later.

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  • <The SkyUI menu option isn't there> Open the console commands and type setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1 and press enter. Close the console. You may also use MCM Kicker.
  • <and the new dragons are invisible> DD read me on the mod page :
  • Nether Dragon
    Level: 40
    Type: Shock
    Abilities: Nether breath - 70 magic damage per sec
    Nether Blast - 100 magic damage in a 20 ft radius
    Chameleon - Turns the dragon invisible temporaritly. Fades back into view when attacking the player or taking damage.
  • Spectral Dragon
    Level: 60
    Type: Shock
    Abilities: Nether breath - 70 magic damage per sec
    Nether Blast - 100 magic damage in a 20 ft radius
    Chameleon - turns the dragon invisible temporaritly. Fades back into view when attacking the player or taking damage.
    Spectral Ally - summons a spectral ally for 30 sec. While ally is active, the dragon is invulnerable.

If these changes are not temporary, check your DD MCM menu if things can be reseted or something. You may have a bug or a script / mod conflict, (see plugin conflicts and script issues).

If you need to uninstall a scripted mod, using save script cleaner can help removing orphan scripts.


Hope this helps.

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I fought my first Spectral dragon today. It stayed invisible the entire time as before. The only other ones I fought were the Artic, Magma, and Sun dragons, but I don't recall seeing those types comming with invisibility. I also tried the MCM Kicker and the console command as you suggested, but the DD MCM menu still doesn't show up.

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<but the DD MCM menu still doesn't show up> Then you may have something that prevent it to work like a script / mod conflict.

  • Try to place DD later in your load order to see if it's mod related. If it worked, place it where it was and deactivate your mods by chunk of 10-20 untill you find the conflicting mod. Plugins conflict troubleshoot.
  • Scripts conflict. Honestly I don't know how to troubleshoot in this case, as beginning a new game is useless because DD drakes appear later.

Good luck.

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<but the DD MCM menu still doesn't show up> Then you may have something that prevent it to work like a script / mod conflict.

  • Try to place DD later in your load order to see if it's mod related. If it worked, place it where it was and deactivate your mods by chunk of 10-20 untill you find the conflicting mod. Plugins conflict troubleshoot.
  • Scripts conflict. Honestly I don't know how to troubleshoot in this case, as beginning a new game is useless because DD drakes appear later.

Good luck.


I placed it 2nd to last tonight and still got the same thing. I also tried starting direct from the SKSE launcher but that did nothing either. I'm currently waiting to get my hands on a copy of Wyrmstooth so I can delete everything and just have Deadly Dragons installed. From there I'll start checking the other mods one at a time until I get the situation I have currently.


Do you think that downloading and installing one of the older versions of DD might at the very least get the new dragon skins working?

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Well I deleted everything, then reinstalled Skyrim and the official add-ons. I then installed Dead Dragons, SkyUI, SKSE, and the USLEP. I then ran it through LOOT to make sure the order was correct and ran the game. I loaded up my main save without the other add-ons and got the warning message about that, ignored it and then waited a few days to make sure everything got refreshed.


Went to Ancient's Accent and fought a Serpentine dragon there. Once again it was able to do the fire rain a couple times so I know DD was loaded. I checked the menu and saw it still wasn't popping up on the MCM menu. I did the console command again and waited a few minutes, no change. I then went over to Dragontooth Crater. Once again, the Arctic dragon that was there stayed invisible up until I began absorbing its soul.


At that point I quit to desktop and tried different means of starting Skyrim through either the vanilla launcher, SKSE, or Steam. There was only one change to the Arctic dragon and that was one restart where it became a Wyvern dragon. At no point was the skins of these new dragons visible, nor did the MCM menu ever show up.


LOOT order for this was:


0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
6 a HighResTexturePack01.esp
7 b HighResTexturePack02.esp
8 c HighResTexturePack03.esp
9 9 SkyUI.esp
10 10a DeadlyDragons.esp
EDIT: SKSE was in there before DD. I'm currently reinstalling Skyrim again and didn't save the load order before posting.
Edited by protoculturejunkie
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I think the problems you're experiencing remains in your savegame, so reinstalling the game and using the same savegame doesn't change anything. It's probably related to scripts not functioning as espected or scripts conflict. You have three choices :

  • Deal with it. I know it's anoying.
  • Keep on trying to find a solution : you may try to tweak the invisibility effect with Tes5edit. This may be the easiest way, easier than resetting scripts or game behaviors. About the DD MCM menu, if not already been done, try a manual download + manual install : extract all the needed files manually to your skyrim/data folder and if prompted to overwrite, say yes. this will ensure your files + mod installation are healthy.
  • Reinstall the game and mods, ( if you're at mid game, not sure it worth it and nothing guarantees that you won't reproduce the same conflicts... )

Good luck.

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