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Guys who play girl characters


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Perusing through this thread (not all 69 pages of it,) I am delighted to find that my feelings are reflected in many female players, and I want to ask, do you have male best friends or siblings that you are close to, as opposed to female ones? I'm curious. :P



I am female (older) and actually, yes, my male friends have always vastly out weighed the number of female friends I have, my male friends tend to stay in my life a whole lot longer and I tend to be much closer to male friends....in fact I only have one long lasting and close female friend....the rest are male....and to add to that, I am the only long lasting and close female friend my female friend has....the rest of her friends are male too....I guess there's something in that.

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... I think most guys (playing in third-person mode) prefer to look at a female's backside ...


... Much of rpg playing is in fact basically playing with a doll.. ...


.... I'll never feel like the main character is me. ...

That is an interesting point.....From my own game play perspective, I play the opposite sex....am a woman playing a male Dovahkin....I have no interest in playing 'me' in games and love the awesomeness of my tough, battle hardened Warrior Man.....Though interestingly enough, my male heroes always do share one personality trait with me....I can not for the life of me play an evil character, have tried a number of times and end up hating my character and finding no joy in playing him...I guess I do connect with him on some level and so thus I need to be able to understand the motives I give him and what drives him.....I do in fact put a lot of thought into a character as I am creating him, he has an in depth back story, a defined and staunchly RP'ed personality and morality (he is a lot more brutal than I would ever be, but never a murderer, thief, etc...) and plenty of realism in game (eat, sleep, drink, etc...)...I give him reasons for being who he is as such, I guess my way of making him a real as possible, relating to him as a someone other, rather than just pixels on a screen.

Thank you for articulating this. I'm male and play almost exclusively female characters for some of the reasons listed above, most prominently "prefer to look at a female's backside" but the good/evil thing is HARD. I've tried so many times to play an evil character and she always ends cutting the downtrodden NPC slack, not taking advantage of what seems to be out of the NPCs control, not committing crimes because it would be inconvenient to deal with the whole bounty thing, and so forth. (On the other hand, I usually murder those stupid people trying to find the wedding in Solitude while walking east possibly around Riften but no further west than White Run just for principle.)

Edited by CarlCorey
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As others have mentioned I play whichever gender best suits the character I am trying to create. I like to RP but perhaps my definition is slightly different to others, I don't try to see myself as the character..more accurate to say that I am the narrator to my characters story. How would my character react in a given situation, rather than how I would react etc. This is possibly why I almost never play in first-person mode, I am an observer more than anything else and try to maintain a certain degree of separation. Sounds odd perhaps from the point of view of immersion, but I lean more towards being engrossed in the game rather than properly immersed.


Now that I think of it, perhaps author would be better than narrator, I'm writing a story about a given character that evolves through the situations I encounter in-game. I'd personally find it very hard to accurately role-play a woman, I'm not one and don't have the required understanding of how it feels to be a woman to fully immerse myself in that way. Writing a story about a female character however is not quite as hard. (How believable that story would actually be to women is debatable of course).


Would like to note that RP'ing in this way makes it far easier (for me at least) to have truly evil characters, something I'd have trouble doing if I was trying to base a character on my own personality, or if I was trying to over-empathize in some way with them.

Edited by BobTheBouncer
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For some reason I almost always only play male characters (which I am). My rationalization was that when I play MMOs, I didn't want another player communicating with me as if I were a female. IT may not have mattered but I really do believe people relate to the opposite or same sex in different ways, especially behind a computer.


I have noticed I keep this trend when I play single player games too, like Fallout, Morrowind, Oblivion, SKyrim, etc. I think this purely comes from my tendency to go overboard with the RP aspect. Is it weird that I actually grew out my hair to look more like my Nord tank? I also got a gym membership and lost like 50lbs of fatness to look more like him too. Maybe I just use game characters as interactive models to set my personal goals to. I probably need serious help, but you can't tell me that good things are not coming out of this. So long as I can keep my job and stop trying to Fus Ro Dah annoying customers.

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For some reason I almost always only play male characters (which I am). My rationalization was that when I play MMOs, I didn't want another player communicating with me as if I were a female. IT may not have mattered but I really do believe people relate to the opposite or same sex in different ways, especially behind a computer.


I have noticed I keep this trend when I play single player games too, like Fallout, Morrowind, Oblivion, SKyrim, etc. I think this purely comes from my tendency to go overboard with the RP aspect. Is it weird that I actually grew out my hair to look more like my Nord tank? I also got a gym membership and lost like 50lbs of fatness to look more like him too. Maybe I just use game characters as interactive models to set my personal goals to. I probably need serious help, but you can't tell me that good things are not coming out of this. So long as I can keep my job and stop trying to Fus Ro Dah annoying customers.


Yes growing your hair out was extraordinarily weird. (Disclaimer: I'm bald and probably just responding out of envy ;) )


If playing a game encouraged you to lose 50 lbs at the gym and subsequently improve your general health, I'd say you didn't need serious help....you seem to be doing a fine job of helping yourself.


Does Fus Ro Dah'ing annoying customers actually work? Seriously, If a long-haird Nord looking guy started shouting Fus Ro Dah at me I'd probably back away slowly myself, no idea what he might do next.


As far as the MMO thing goes I know what you mean. Some of the stuff I've seen directed at female players (or those thought to be female) has gone way beyond rude. Certainly never played a female char in MMo's for much the same reason, the overt innuendo was annoying, and the attempts at "seduction" were just irritating. Honestly don't know how women can put up with that for any length of time.

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Yes growing your hair out was extraordinarily weird. (Disclaimer: I'm bald and probably just responding out of envy ;) )


If playing a game encouraged you to lose 50 lbs at the gym and subsequently improve your general health, I'd say you didn't need serious help....you seem to be doing a fine job of helping yourself.


Does Fus Ro Dah'ing annoying customers actually work? Seriously, If a long-haird Nord looking guy started shouting Fus Ro Dah at me I'd probably back away slowly myself, no idea what he might do next.


As far as the MMO thing goes I know what you mean. Some of the stuff I've seen directed at female players (or those thought to be female) has gone way beyond rude. Certainly never played a female char in MMo's for much the same reason, the overt innuendo was annoying, and the attempts at "seduction" were just irritating. Honestly don't know how women can put up with that for any length of time.



I grew out my goatee too, I really am starting to look like my Nord.


Yes, the shouting does work on my customers, although not the fully intended effect. They stop and contemplate if I really am the best person to ask for something. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I sell sharp and pointy tools at a hardware store just north of NYC, I can't help but have fun with the Eastern European immigrants that frequent my job. They still have this air of uncertainty about our culture and customs, and there I am... gleefully inspecting a brand new camping axe while they take 5 minutes to ask a yes or no question. Sometimes I just stare them down when they are trying to explain how unreasonable the price is on something I have no control over, to which I reply with a primal grunt. The ones that persist and actually ask me things with a smile and surprisingly get my humor earn my highest respect. But I don't mind my job, seriously. Pays my bills while im in school.


I hate creepy MMo players. I guess it may not matter to many, but If I encounter a player in an MMO that I know is a male and is playing a scantily clad female toon i sort of get this morality complex in my head. I don't understand the reasons behind their choice, but it is slightly awkward to address them if needed. For me, If I preferred to look at the female form for hours, I would just go watch some abundant porn or maybe consider getting an actual female. I feel playing the genderbender style sort of takes away from one of the key concepts of RPGs - the R(ole)P(laying)G aspect. Playing a 110lb Redguard chick wearing a leather corset that makes lewd moans when in combat just isn't all that immersive for me, I kinda feel like a creeper.

Edited by Spyderlord
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Spyderlord - i take it im' not the only one that thought some of Janessa's um...battlesounds...were oriented more towards another type of fight? (I'm sure there are probably other npcs that have the same issue, but janessa's the only follower aisde from lydia that I've actually used..lol)
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I hate creepy MMo players. I guess it may not matter to many, but If I encounter a player in an MMO that I know is a male and is playing a scantily clad female toon i sort of get this morality complex in my head. I don't understand the reasons behind their choice, but it is slightly awkward to address them if needed. For me, If I preferred to look at the female form for hours, I would just go watch some abundant porn or maybe consider getting an actual female. I feel playing the genderbender style sort of takes away from one of the key concepts of RPGs - the R(ole)P(laying)G aspect. Playing a 110lb Redguard chick wearing a leather corset that makes lewd moans when in combat just isn't all that immersive for me, I kinda feel like a creeper.


(The following question is not a personal attack; it is a general question going out to anyone who shares this opinion.)


If guys playing female characters in MMO/RPG games is creepy, isn't it also creepy for a guy to direct Lara Croft or BloodRayne through a series of digital obstacles?

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not really. The guys playing girl characters thing is largely a stereotype b/c of how - typically younger men :P - handle sexuality in mmos. it's the personal interaction that makes it creepy a fair bit. i've met one or two people since i started playing mmos who play female characters solely for the benefits it got them. Theres also the whole... males aggressively flirting with any female-based character on the assumption that the owner is female too.

The laura croft thing is singleplayer, isn't it? doesn't have the same element of manipulation that mmos are sometimes prone to.

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I haven't read beyond the first post, but I play a female in the game because, well, I'm a guy. who finds the female figure more pleasant to look at blah blah blah blah, and if I'm going to stare at someone's ass all day while I play my game, I have a choice right...


With that out of the way, I've had had a great time adding mods, editing this and that of the females in my game. Which is 99% of the time, not in game looking at them. There are so many mods that we can use to edit females, one could get lost from one day to the next.


The guys on the other hand, for every female 10 mods, i installed 1 mod, just one for guys, and honestly it kind of upsets me. I don't feel I have to do anything to make them, IMO The guys look better than the girls! But I'm a guy... and I don't really care what the guy's look like, but I sware they still look better than the girls!

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