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Killing trees


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I'm so sad it's unreal. The tree in our front yard is dying; it's infected with ash bore, and so is virtually every other tree all along our row. That's a total of more than a dozen. And there's no way to get rid of it. There's no saving any of these trees. Their deaths are inevitable, and they all have to be cut down ASAP to keep the affliction from spreading. And because if they are allowed to die, it will cost twice as much to have them removed.


You see, the Emerald Ash Bore is a species of beetle from eastern Asia that has become an invasive species in North America. Since it's foreign the trees here are defenseless against it; it's horrendously destructive, and it's become an epidemic that has killed many millions of ash trees since it was first brought over.



This is why I wish people would stop denying how serious the problem of invasive species is. They don't want to believe how incredibly bad it is to take an organism from one ecosystem and introduce it into another. It messes things up for everything and everyone. You have no idea how much havok we've wreaked by introducing foreign predators, namely cats and dogs, to different ecosystems, such as those isolated on islands.


And now because of some human mistake, this beetle that does NOT belong here is harming our ecosystem. Because of this, we're going to lose a LOT of trees... including mine. This place is going to feel so empty and sad and barren with all of these trees gone... and they take so many many years to grow back again... I'll miss them all so terribly.


In fact, right at this very moment I can hear the lumberjacks sawing away all the poor, now diseased trees. I'm devastated. The one in front of my house will likely be gone very shortly. This is just so horrible.


I'll try to find some comfort solace in planting a new try once the old one is gone... I don't know what kind to plant yet, but it certainly won't be another ash tree. :(

Edited by Lehcar
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