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Can't Open Shivering Isles


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So I have a small issue and I was hoping there was still someone who mods oblivion and can answer my question. Whenever I open the construction set after I've installed the Shivering Isles, the cs won't let me load anything. I tried finding an update, thinking that my version of the cs was too old to run both oblivion and the shivering isles. I have version 1.2.404 installed on my computer and I installed from elderscrolls.com . Does anyone know how to fix it.

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That sounds odd. I use the 1.2.404 one from the official elderscrolls.com website, too, but I downloaded it ages ago already. Have you tried with the CSE (install it on top of the 1.2.404 one)?




Also, the Shivering Isles esp file is a dummy one, all the content was merged in Oblivion.esm. Maybe it is some conflict that rises from that? And how did you NOT have Shivering Isles from the beginning... ? :ohmy: If you have a disc version that did not come with Shivering Isles (I used the 5th Anniversary Edition before changing over to the Steam one and it did), then I have no idea what patches you should install. Some people do, though, I think. There were separate 1.2 patches for base game and the SI version, and I think there were some issues with installing the base game 1.2 when adding in SI or something, but I am clueless when it comes to that... :happy:

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For the older disk versions of the game you need to be careful about which patch from Bethsoft's site you use. The patches are specific to language versions of the game (and English can be either North American or British versions if you are looking at the non-SI patches ... the patch versions for English language with Shivering Isles is one English for all English language versions).


The patches are also specific to if you have the Shivering Isles or not, and you can't mix and match. SI version patches can not be applied to a non-SI install if you later decide to install Shivering Isles to a former non-SI install ... a complete uninstall and then re-install with SI included is required.


I think that Contra may be correct that the CS not loading is because it isn't seeing the correct game version ... the latest CS version won't work on any game version before 1.2.0416 and if you have installed Shivering Isles without completely uninstalling a version 1.2.0416 non-SI install there is no telling what version number the CS thinks you have.

Edited by Striker879
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If it's like my Game of the Year two disk set and you don't install the second disk when you first install the game then you are locked into a non-Shivering Isles install if you patch the game to version 1.2.0416 (I'm not certain what game version the disk one install is left at ... could be 1.2.0416 I suppose as I've never made a test to see but I suspect it's an earlier game version).


The two disk sets are designed to be installed in a single session, and in the case of the GotY set it will leave you with game version 1.2.0416 with Shivering Isles after disk two is installed. All of the other DLCs are optional and can be installed at any time (they are just mods, where Shivering Isles replaces Oblivion.esm with a SI version).

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Just for the record, I meant that I have the 1.2.404 version of the Construction Set from the elderscrolls.com site - not any game patches from there! I assumed you meant the Construction Set 1.2.404 and not something else. Just had to get that said to avoid any misunderstandings.


Please, continue. :)

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Correct Contra ... CS 1.2.404 is the latest version. I think version 1.2.404 CS may not load Oblivion.esm from an earlier version of the game (similar situation to what you get with mods created by earlier versions of the CS when run on version 1.2.0416 of the game ... the game simply silently ignores the ESP).
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