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Using Substance Painter Height Maps


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Hey there,


Is there any way to use Substance Painter's height maps in Fallout 4? I know it should be done through the normal map but I can't get the engraved look I'm going for.


If there is no way that the height map can be used is there a way to add the height map to the normal map export? If so what channel should this be done on?


If the second option isn't available either is there any way to add height using the normal map channel in SP?


Thanks for all help in advance.

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The height map should in theory be combined with the normal if the settings are correct (I haven't changed anything that I can remember, and my height map gets fused into the normal on export).

The power of the normal visually is likely to be less once it's actually displayed ingame - i.e. the height effect isn't as 'vivid' as it is in Painter. You might have to throw some subtle dirt and grime (but not ambient occlusion) into the engraving to add to the effect or add more geometry to support the detail you want to display.

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The height map should in theory be combined with the normal if the settings are correct (I haven't changed anything that I can remember, and my height map gets fused into the normal on export).

The power of the normal visually is likely to be less once it's actually displayed ingame - i.e. the height effect isn't as 'vivid' as it is in Painter. You might have to throw some subtle dirt and grime (but not ambient occlusion) into the engraving to add to the effect or add more geometry to support the detail you want to display.


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