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how to Duplicate/Copy NavMesh in CK?

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Not that I'm aware of . You do have auto-generation options though, tried using them? They're quite useful, specially for larger objects.


NavMesh -> Generation -> havok-based Generation ?


why crash almost every time ...

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@g2mXagent If you're duplicating wall geometry and expecting the navmesh to follow along, it won't. That's not really how it works. Navmesh is a separate animal from the world objects. You should save navmeshing for the end, as in the original Skyrim tutorials:




I've had good results with Recast Based generation to get started. Once I got used to the hand-creation tools, it was actually a lot faster than I thought.


For small object collisions in the middle of the navmesh, using L-NAVCUT primitives seems like a much better solution.

Edited by radiumskull
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