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USLEEP broke my game.


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I don't even know how to troubleshoot this, but I've been trying to get my game working again for the past 3 hours after I decided to swap out the Unofficial Skyrim Patches for USLEEP after finding a mod I liked that required it as a master. Now, nothing is working, regardless of whether I load existing saves or attempt to start a new game, with or without mods, and I cannot figure out why.


I'll try to go over what I did to the best of my memory.


I wanted to try the mod Enchanting - Spellsword, which requires USLEEP as a master. I'd been reluctant to switch from the four standalone Unofficial Patches thus far, for a few reasons...one, it seemed like a hassle to get working with all my other mods that might break. Two, it seemed like something that could break existing savegames, something I was not willing to risk even if it meant cutting down on some .esp clutter. And third...I don't actually own the 'Legendary Edition', but had purchased all three DLCs individually. I'm fairly confident that it's the same either way, as long as you have all the DLC masters, but I was never entirely sure if USLEEP would only work with the ACTUAL 'Legendary Edition' package, so I didn't want to bother with it. But after a bit of googling, it sounded like it wouldn't break anything provided you used TES5Edit to change any dependent masters (for which there is a handy-dandy script), so I decided to go for it.


I followed the instructions for the script and all seemed to go as intended. I only had one active mod for this save's loadout that had USKP as a master (Unlimited Bookshelves) so I used the script to change the master. However, upon loading up my game again, I got a CTD. Then I noticed that Unlimited Bookshelves had an individual .esp for USLEEP already, uninstalled the USKP version, and installed the USLEEP version instead, assuming once again that I'd be good to go.


Nope. Again, the game crashed as soon as I attempted to load an existing save (and I tried a few)...well, I foresaw this as a possibility, and didn't really mind having to restart on this particular character, since he was new already and I'd only played him for about two hours. So I went to start a new game with Alternate Start. I was taken through the character creation process without issue, until it was time to sleep in the bed...once again, CTD. I tried again, this time choosing the option to escape from the cell. Upon reaching the exit of the dungeon, same thing - CTD. So clearly, whatever was going on was triggering on a change of location.


I tried several things, like disabling and enabling Unlimited Bookshelves, swapping the USKP patches back in instead of USLEEP, USKP + Unlimited Bookshelves as well as without it...I even disabled ALL OF MY MODS, so that my load order contained nothing but my cleaned master files and USLEEP, and started a new game the old-fashioned way. 10+ minutes after sitting through the damn Helgen intro, it's time to escape into the tunnel...and sure enough, opening the door immediately gave me a CTD. So I know for sure it has to be USLEEP, and not even a USLEEP conflict with another mod...unless it can conflict with my cleaned masters, somehow?


Also worth noting that my ENB (Grim and Somber Hircine) is broken, as well. ENB Series still starts with the game just fine, my ENB prefs open with the hotkey, and there even appears to be a change when I hit Shift + F12 to toggle the preset off...but when it's 'on', it just looks like vanilla to me. Here are some screenshots for comparison. http://imgur.com/a/GRz7Z


I'm at a complete loss, here. I was playing just fine earlier today until I decided to install USLEEP...and now nothing is working, old save or new, with mods or without. What am I missing, here? Do I have to re-clean my masters after installing USLEEP? Rebuild my bashed patch? I tried with the bashed patch disabled and enabled, same result. What are my options, here? Do I have to rebuild my Steam cache files? Reinstall completely? Re-clean all my masters? What happens to all my old saves? I don't care about losing the character I started today, but I certainly care about my previous ones...what I don't understand is why my game is broken now even if I turn off all mods except for the official masters and USLEEP, or why I can't get things back to normal simply by disabling USLEEP and re-enabling the USKPs...no matter what I do, it's CTD. I'm also not posting a load order because the game crashed even with no mods enabled except for USLEEP. I'm fairly sure the only thing I have ever installed manually is ENB.


Worth noting that (short of once or twice when I was experimenting) my game isn't crashing on startup. I get the main menu just fine, it's when I try to load a save that the game crashes. Or, in some cases (loading my old savegame with the old load order intact, as well as my attempts to start a new file), I can load the game just fine, and play around as normal, until the moment I try to enter a new worldspace (like opening a door or falling asleep in the bed for Alternate Start). All I know is, I installed USLEEP, and now I cannot play Skyrim no matter what I try.


Any kind of help or insight would be appreciated. I haven't played Skyrim in months, and got the motivation to start a new character...now I can't. :/

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As far as I'm aware, there shouldn't be any problem moving from USKP to USLEEP in the middle of a playthrough so long as you've properly updated any mod which had any of the USKP patches as masters - that includes any bashed patches, merged patches, SkyProc patches, or other patches from mods like DynDOLOD. Double check all of your plugins for missing masters.


Swapping the old USKP patches back in and still hitting CTD's generally points to this not being a USLEEP issue. How are you running Skyrim? Vanilla launcher? NMM? Mod Organizer? Are you using SKSE? Is it up to date? Is your game fully patched through Steam? Have you tried generating fresh copies of skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini, and disabling ENB?


Have you read through this?


I'd probably also suggest going through this.

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The only mod that needed its master updated, at least according to the master-switching script, was Unlimited Bookshelves, and then I went and grabbed the USLEEP .esp from the downloads section on that anyways. I use Mod Organizer, and it's not reporting any missing masters in any of the mods I currently have enabled. I have not yet rebuilt my bashed patch, I can try to do that. I don't believe I have any other merged patches or skyproc patches.


I run Skyrim through the SKSE shortcut in MO, and my SKSE is up-to-date. I assume Skyrim is, too, though I'm not sure how to check? I just have Steam automatically download updates to my games so I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be. http://i.imgur.com/YyhLww8.png


I didn't try generating new .ini files, would I just do that by deleting/moving them and letting the game create new ones?


The only thing I can think of at this point is that the master switching patcher I used in tes5edit messed something else up, somehow. I don't know how I could have done it wrong since I followed the instructions carefully, and the only mod I was told got its master changed from USKP to USLEEP was Unlimited Bookshelves. But is it possible it could have messed up one of my master files? Because the ONLY mods I had loaded when I just attempted a fresh start at Helgen were Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, HearthFires.esm, Dawnguard.esm, Dragonborn.esm and Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp. I just can't figure out what could be causing the problem to persist even when I disable every other mod from my load order. I even disabled non-esp mods like textures and animations JUST to be thorough, but my game still crashed as soon as I went to follow Hadvar into the tunnel. How would I re-download the defaults for all my masters so I can re-clean them? Would that be any help?


In the meantime I'll try some of your other suggestions that I haven't yet and edit this post if anything changes.

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I didn't try generating new .ini files, would I just do that by deleting/moving them and letting the game create new ones?


Yeah, rename them or move them elsewhere. Make sure you're looking at the right .ini files - MO creates its own set per profile in the MO\profiles\profilename directory.


Otherwise, not sure really.


Try disabling ENB, SKSE, and anything else you might have installed manually which isn't being managed by MO (in addition to all of your managed plugins). Then enable the Skyrim, Update, DG, HF, and DB .esm's, and the USLEEP .esp. Start a new game. See if you still crash. If you do, verify your Steam cache and then clean all of your official .esm's again.


I very much doubt that USLEEP is the source of your problems.




It's also possible that you have a bad download of USLEEP. You can try downloading it again and then installing it manually. See if that changes anything. Also make sure you aren't extracting the USLEEP .bsa.

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I feel silly now. It seems like it WAS my ENB, but USLEEP was *not* innocent. It seems that if you have ExpandSystemMemoryX64 in enblocal.ini set to TRUE, it has compatibility and CTD issues with USLEEP. Mine was set to true. I set it to false (after deleting all my ENB files and reinstalling just to be sure) and things seem to be back in working order.


So, it was a result of installing USLEEP after all, since I never had problems with that ENB config previously...but USLEEP itself wasn't the culprit.


I'm glad I didn't have to completely reinstall, at least!! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I feel like I was stumbling around in the dark there wondering which of my .esp mods could have been to blame, but it had nothing to do with any actual mods to begin with!!

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<It seems that if you have ExpandSystemMemoryX64 in enblocal.ini set to TRUE, it has compatibility and CTD issues with USLEEP> Skyrim won't start = <If using windows 10, set ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false in ENBlocal.ini>


Seems strange that USLEEP is the culprit but hey. Because if you're using Win10, the problem should been there since the beginning.

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