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The Skyrim Annoyances thread


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First off: I love Skyrim. Best new game this year, in my opinion. Still, it has it's flaws... And some of these are ones I don't think will be fixed by Bethesda.


The UI is an obvious issue, but I have specifics; For one, not being able to tell if you're diseased or not easily. I ran around for who knows how long with SOME disease, and I had no idea what it was or that I even had it until I finally made it into town and heard people telling me how sickly I was. Even if I just had some sort of notification that I feel "sick", I'd be happy.


Beyond that, not being able to see spell effect durations in the HUD is also a huge annoyance for me. While it may be more "realistic", I still like knowing.


I also hate not having details on my character easily available to me in one area.


Some of the changes to enchanting are interesting, but it's absurd that the only way to get a combination enchantment is to disenchant something else with said combination. I miss the days of enchanting anything based on the spells I know.


Magicka regen has been talked about, of course, but at least there are mods to fix that already. Same with destruction spell damage in later levels.


Lockpicking, like in previous games, isn't exactly necessary to worry much about.. I've never bought a lockpick in my entire game, and I currently have over 70 in my inventory. I've been able to pick pretty much any lock I've encountered in game without even trying to boost my lockpicking.


Certain schools of magic are also fairly nerfed. Illusion is hardly useful until you get Invisibility in my opinion. Same for alteration and telekinesis (plus a few others). I miss the levitation spell; one of the best alteration spells in the previous games, in my opinion.


Feel free to discuss! I'm interested in your counter-arguments to my points, as well.

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Actually there are notices when you contracted diseases. But it's all too easy to miss, especially since you usually contracted diseases in the middle of a battle.


What I hate is that when you're following someone they walk faster than you are but not as fast as you run, making following him/her so hard. Then when you get too close, they stop!

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Actually there are notices when you contracted diseases. But it's all too easy to miss, especially since you usually contracted diseases in the middle of a battle.


What I hate is that when you're following someone they walk faster than you are but not as fast as you run, making following him/her so hard. Then when you get too close, they stop!

Yeah i get annoyed by that walk too....i fail to see why the hell all npcs walk with same speed only my character is a snail.

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One thing I find annoying is when I sneak up on a group of people, aiming with my bow from a distance away, I get no information on who or what they are. Most of the time they're legitimate targets, but still I'd like to know for sure who or what Im going to shoot at. Edited by BleedingCrown
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