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Female Dragonborns?


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Lehcar are you really this bent out of shape over this? I counted three female jarls, I just finished clearing out a forsworn encampment where all the forsworn within save for one briarheart were female, the quest under solitude with the vampires, everyone in there was a female vampire. And as someone mentioned early on, in history the females are simply left out of the books unless they bore a child or married someone of importance. I don't make the rules. It sucks and I see where your coming from, but you seem a tad bit too far engrossed in this.


Let it go, the great thing about bethesda RPG's is you can play as who you want, you can be that character. So do that. Be the best female protagonist you can and come back here and tell us all about how awesome she is and her exploits. :)

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  On 11/26/2011 at 8:33 AM, uruku7 said:

Seems there are plenty female Dragonborn? It seems to me there are plenty of important women throughout Tamriel's history, Dragonborn or not.

This ^


As for the Septim line of "dragonborn" their were Female Heirs, the line just favored Males. Find the wolf queen quest/books in game for an obvious example. It's all about a Female Septim that was pissed off cause she wasn't empress and came very close to usurping the Throne.

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To melt the 2 discussions together, so ragers stop saying it:


The question of the OP was "Why is the no more/none female Dragonborn?"

The answer was: "Because this is based of Vikings and medival times. Based of a time where men, which is stronger than females, did most of the fighting."


The argument "Women are just as strong!!" is false. We all know it. They might be smarter, faster, got lots of other qualities men don't got.

The argument " This is fantasy! Stop taking IRL stuff in here!" is idiotic. The answer is that the GAME is BASED of MEDIVAL time. Something that HAPPENED in our world. So if you ask a question that is based entirely on the concept of the game, you can surely expect an answer related to the concept of the game.


So you see, this is not different discussions. This is a few people not seing the point of a post, and just attacking 1 argument they seem to disagree on.

So, we can call it a night then. We've figured it all out by answering the question both lore-wise and concept-wise. We've had links and deep discussions about bilogy. There is just about nothing more to discuss here.




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This topic shifted completely. It began as a lore topic, step by sexist topics. Even Robynah use this intelligent comment, which made ​​me very angry:


"And Male RPGs are too. In real life stats We have decided how much money That (exp) we make in life; These stats are: height (men Have more), testosterone (men Have more), lean muscle mass (men Have more), aggression (men Have more) and beching weight. Everyone knows from highschool These stats except for Themselves in europe, asia, africa, south america, Australia Where There are not Any real men. " << that's completely offensive.


then show me how it behaves a real man because many of us live in one of those countries.


but I will not talk about it, women can suffer / bear things that men don't, and vicebersa.

The game was initially created with orientation to male audience, but doesn't discriminate against women.


in Tamriel's history there were many important women, and in any case the best thing you can do when you don't like something, change it.

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From the title, I think it was already going to head into a gender war... If you really didn't care about females vs males, you probably wouldn't have noticed this lack of 1 gender in a faction so easily. A lot of game lore/context are based off reference from real life cultures and traditions. Hence, the common stereotypes, but I think Beth Studios have already gone past this stage.

I'm only finding it weird why you question there are no female dragonborns yet neglect the female commanders and warriors in the game...


Simply put, the only 2 choices are:

1) You can be the female dragonborn yourself.

2) Mod it.

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Actually, there has been female Empresses in TES histories....lol, you ever read all them freakin books laying around??

Not many, granted, but there HAS been a few. And to BE an Emperor/Empress you kinda HAD to be a dragonblood? So you could light the fire, wear the necklace, all that stuff??? It has been awhile since I played Oblivion, but I think that was how it all went......


/shrug, could be wrong tho'....it has happened before! =P

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  On 11/24/2011 at 1:08 AM, Midgefidget said:

Take a look at the recorded history of the real world. Female offspring of royalty were rarely ever mentioned unless they married another royal. Then they are mentioned only in passing.

And how about it being the woman's fault if she was "barren". Most likely cause was the 'barren' man.

Women don't get a fair shake and never have. BUT... our time WILL come!



Just like Elizabeth, Victoria, Cleopatra, the wives of Henry, Boadicea... OP is perfectly justified in asking where the strong women of Tamriel is at.

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  On 11/26/2011 at 6:36 PM, Oktoberstorm said:
  On 11/24/2011 at 1:08 AM, Midgefidget said:

Take a look at the recorded history of the real world. Female offspring of royalty were rarely ever mentioned unless they married another royal. Then they are mentioned only in passing.

And how about it being the woman's fault if she was "barren". Most likely cause was the 'barren' man.

Women don't get a fair shake and never have. BUT... our time WILL come!



Just like Elizabeth, Victoria, Cleopatra, the wives of Henry, Boadicea... OP is perfectly justified in asking where the strong women of Tamriel is at.

To be fair, the wives of Henry were famous for dying, not because they're particularly strong women to begin with.

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Nobody has claimed a woman can't be a strong leader... but to be a strong warrior is not very likely.... women are just not built for such tasks. Body shape, hormonal levels, base muscle mass and distribution, etc, etc. the list goes on.


And if the OP was so inclined to be so worried about it, they would have known what they say is false, since there are enough examples of female leaders and even warriors in the game, not to mention numerous swords-for-hire that are female and can be used as companions. Smells like this thread was for baiting an argument about gender.

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