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Female Dragonborns?


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But finally, and this is really important, either gender can train towards the natural leanings of the other, and become just as adept at it. It will just take more work. Neither is "better" or "worse" overall, just different biologically.

Surely you don't mean that men can train to give birth.


I'll try to find it but there are incidents where a man was able to get pregnant through scientific intervention recently, ans also of artificial insemination being done using two eggs.


So technically, with training and a lot of money and being willing to allow the body to go through things it wasn't ever meant to naturally go through, yes :thumbsup:


In all seriousness though, I was trying to point out that, barring the natural order when it come to procreation, neither gender is better, just naturally inclined in certain areas. :P


Thanks for the good laugh though, I needed that :D

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I'll try to find it but there are incidents where a man was able to get pregnant through scientific intervention recently, ans also of artificial insemination being done using two eggs.


So technically, with training and a lot of money and being willing to allow the body to go through things it wasn't ever meant to naturally go through, yes


In all seriousness though, I was trying to point out that, barring the natural order when it come to procreation, neither gender is better, just naturally inclined in certain areas.


Thanks for the good laugh though, I needed that


You just scared me for life!

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But finally, and this is really important, either gender can train towards the natural leanings of the other, and become just as adept at it. It will just take more work. Neither is "better" or "worse" overall, just different biologically.

Surely you don't mean that men can train to give birth.


I'll try to find it but there are incidents where a man was able to get pregnant through scientific intervention recently, ans also of artificial insemination being done using two eggs.


So technically, with training and a lot of money and being willing to allow the body to go through things it wasn't ever meant to naturally go through, yes :thumbsup:


In all seriousness though, I was trying to point out that, barring the natural order when it come to procreation, neither gender is better, just naturally inclined in certain areas. :P


Thanks for the good laugh though, I needed that :D

Scientific intervention isn't training; that's like giving a woman cybernetic muscle replacements and then saying she's trained to become stronger than a man. No she hasn't, there was no training on her part, just somebody cutting her open and giving her a gift; same can be said about a man being scientifically intervened into pregnancy.


I'm pointing out the reality that, the two genders aren't created equal, and that's a good thing, but it has nothing to do with equality; people who want to be treated equally will prove themselves to be equal. Otherwise, arguing over the differences is a waste of time, because the idea of being equal at birth is really just a myth, particularly if you take into account things like congenital disorders and the like.

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I hate the 'it's fantasy' argument.


Why not add polka-dotted unicorns? Why not have a dragon knight or dragon policemen? Why not just make the lore all one singular race as a result of the 'alakazam' event? After all, it's fantasy. :psyduck:

"Why not?" indeed! And in fact, the unicorns have already been done! (Well OK, "My Little Pony"-themed mods, but same thing!)




It's a G.A.M.E., set in a F.A.N.T.A.S.Y. world. There is no "right" or "wrong".

There is only Zuul [*cough*] I mean, "fun".


People can, and do, do whatever they want in it. As they should. And as the designers fully intended they would.


So let's keep the discussions more polite (see the Dark0ne's policy statement on posting in the forums.)


Otherwise, this topic will get locked down.



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@ Thandal : The things is, the game comes from a concept. The answer lies in the concept. The OP disagreed with it. Thus started the infinite disussion that we got now.

It's a game, but a game that got ideas from, *gasp*, our world. It's not all fantasy, since people use swords and got houses. There are Horses, and mountains. 90% of the game is from our world, not in the head of a developer.


There is also something called lore to avoid the dragon policemen and unicorns to hop around. Not that I would mind seing either in-game. Would be a fun random encounter with a dragon bringing in another dragon for burning down a village!

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Nobody has claimed a woman can't be a strong leader... but to be a strong warrior is not very likely.... women are just not built for such tasks. Body shape, hormonal levels, base muscle mass and distribution, etc, etc. the list goes on.


And if the OP was so inclined to be so worried about it, they would have known what they say is false, since there are enough examples of female leaders and even warriors in the game, not to mention numerous swords-for-hire that are female and can be used as companions. Smells like this thread was for baiting an argument about gender.


Speed, precision, and technique are what win fights. Throwing your physical strength around in a blind rage will get you killed.


That isn't to say that strength and aggression aren't desirable traits in a fighter, but only insofar as for the novice/intermediate sort. Aggression in a chemical sense just gets in the way of calm/cool head. Strength is only important to a point, if you have enough to execute the technique, any excess beyond that loses much of it's importance. I've trained with a few women who would probably throttle me in a real fight, I might be stronger but it means very little when they possess enough strength to perform the same techniques. This only becomes more true when you consider an armed confrontation.


None of you can know or say for sure how many more female warriors there would be in history if they always had equal rights.

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I don't know what it is. Some dumb "heir club for men" rubbish.. Is it because most video game devs are men? In real life, the rates of males and females being born is equally 50/50, for obvious reasons


Actually the birthrate is 1.06:1.0 male/female ... I always get so annoyed by these kinds of discussions ... You are discussing this stuff about a fictional video game, in a fictional world ... come one, look how things were in the Dark Ages in Mankind, how women were treated, how much they counted for. That you get to chose a female char the first place is already a concession. Just look at the original LOTR and the movies for the masses where they used Arwen to do all kinds of stuff, while she did not play a big role int he book at all ... her appearances in the movie for example up to reaching rivendell were in fact a male elf in the books. The only Women that played an active role was Eowyn in fact.

Yeah, that is how those dumb "heir club for men" devs are already doing a balancing act to please today's audience ... but it is not helping the authenticiy of a medieval "nordic" world a lot. Anyway its my 2 cents on the subject, I really like and adore women but sometimes its just annoying.

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"Mentality"? What mentality? The protagonist has no mentality and may not even be a warrior at all, they could be a stealth fighter or a mage. Don't say the "men are stronger" fancy either, because it's nonsense, it's a video game and a woman can crack skulls open just as easily as any male (or like I said, she might be a rogue or a sorceress). Plus, the Septim emperors were Dragonborns supposedly, but they certainly didn't seem to be real warriors, rogues or mages of any kind.


But my question was, has there ever been mention of another female Dragonborn?


Actually, scientifically speaking, men are naturally more fit then women. They have higher metabolisms to help with muscle growth, thicker muscles to aid in strength, and stronger hearts to aid with strenuous activity. As a side note, men also have more lead in their nose then women to aid with a sense of direction.


However, Females are genetically superior in the smarts section. If I was in a war, I would rather a woman telling me what to do then a man. Simply because she would come up with better strategies. They also seem to be more limber.

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Basic evolution. The higher mortality rate for males in dangerous & barbaric times necessitates a higher birthrate for males to compensate for this. This "50/50" birthrate is actually a fairly modern phenomenon of our much safer industrialized society. Even in our "enlightened" 20th century, the 1st female general in the US armed forces did not occur until 1970. Men were more expendable, and expended they were, so unless you want the survivors coming back and claiming three or four wives (see also "Orcs") then you need to have more boys than girls being born to compensate for it.


If anything is out of balance with reality it is the absurdly high number of female guards & soldiers in the game - developers kowtowing to our modern, 20th century ethics & giving realism a backseat, as is common practice. While women have played parts in militaries as far back as the US Civil War, only the Soviet Union (circa WW2) had no qualms about putting women into direct combat roles (which is why Lyudmila Pavlichenko is the highest scoring sniper in world history, with 309 kills to her name).


But back in the Middle Ages? Sorry, but Joan of Arc was the exception, not the rule. I'm not saying that is how it should be, or should have been, only that it is how it really was.

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