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Settlement Rebuild Mods Broken?


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Since update 1.6.x i have been having the orig settlements imposed over the new settlement every time I fast travel/cell resets. Its a full version of orig buildings and all not a shadowy one. Only way to fix is to quit to desktop and restart game but after first reset its all back again. I have already tried cycling disable/able, uninstall/install, LOOT, FO4edit inspection (not really a modder so may have missed), manually moving to high and bottom in load order. Have had to completely remove settlement rebuild mods in order to play game and would really like to get back to my super towns so any help is appreciated.


Anybody else having this issue?


I read somewhere they changed the settlement cell setup in the update and suspect the mods that rebuild settlements will have to be rebuilt/updated to reflect this. If any info on this id like to hear it.

Edited by ReaperTai
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first sharlikran, thanx for responding. however my issue isnt shadowy or blurred images, it is actually reloading the orig settlement over what i have there. everything is crystal clear and solid as a rock. it literally loads every blade of grass/tree/pebble/etc from vanilla settlement back into the game not just a blurry house here n there. it may be a similar issue but its defiantly more pronounced then the images shown in your link. even if i go into vanilla sanctuary and disable a house, next reset it is back.


edit: i had already uninstalled all my settlement rebuild mods before 1.7.9 and just tried to recreate the issue after and it appears the new version may have fixed the issue as i cant recreate it yet, will leave mod installed n see if comes back.

Edited by ReaperTai
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It's not so much that the image in the link is different then what you are experiencing. It's that when you use mods that alter cells or mods that ask you to disable Combined Objects that eventually things will go haywire. I know everyone wants to scrap everything out of the settlement and make it look nicer or scrap everything and still keep a more post apocalyptic theme but the way Bethesda set up Combined Objects that's not always easy or reliable. It's better to read Arthmoor's post (also linked in that thread) because it's explained a bit better then I can do.

Edited by Sharlikran
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yes i understand that. these mods have been working for months and now they are not, something has changed. i actually did a complete reset, wiped NMM and fallout4 and started from scratch with only 1 settlement mod and it still happens. this leads me to believe the post i saw about changes to settlements cells and it seems to be messing with mods that change settlements.


http://imgur.com/LgvcIzt -before

http://imgur.com/ktDxvmF - after fast travel

http://imgur.com/pKnsLG0 - after fast travel


this same thing is happening in every settlement with every mod i have tried, and i started just trying every mod even ones i wouldnt normally use, so far at least 20 diff mods all with same result.

Edited by ReaperTai
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I see you say "yes i understand that" but what Arthmoor, since he knows more about it, is saying in that post is that Bethesda is changing the EXE and the way it works. He is saying that the Combined Objects introduced with Fallout 4 are creating issues. When I read your post you are saying once I do XYZ then it happens and it just started happening recently. That's Arthmoor's point. I see in your screen shot you have a mod that makes the settlement house look different. Is that Eli's mod? If so she didn't cause it, Bethesda's EXE and how they deal with altered cells is causing it. Arthmoor is saying that Bethesda is making changes that are causing issues and if they don't address it any change to the game's cells will cause an issue and kill mods that do so. I'd post in that thread and see if he can explain it better then I can but you are fighting with Bethesda not the mods and it's not mod authors causing the issues.

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Ill read arthmoors stuff again but if bethesda changed the exe and how settlements work doesnt the mod need to be updated to the new style? I was never blaming the mod authors, actually was blaming bethesda for breaking a working system (or at least partially working). The mod in the pics is the sancuary redone buy silhouett. i dl it to get screenshots but have tried over 20 diff mods in diff locations all with same result. basically at this time i can only play with vanilla settlements, had to wipe a game with over a month of playtime cause it destroyed all my settlements (yes i had mods on every settlement). one of my fav parts of FO4 is the settlements, love building them. will spend a week sometimes just working on 1 settlement making some crazy/cool fortress. but apperantly i am the only one having this issue so ill just deal with the vanilla stuff till whatever it is works its way out. i really do appreciate you trying to help.

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Actually I didn't think you were blaming mod authors either. I added that as an example.


What arthmoor is getting at is that there is no way to update the mod. He's saying any edit at all breaks things, period.


You aren't the only person with issues I'm sure. I hope he can communicate the issue and that Bethesda can fix it because eventually I'd like to make my own mods for personal use that alter cells. However, if it's going to cause a bug then that needs to be addressed.

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Last night i tried to recreate to get better shots. I couldnt, even after few hours of jumping round. My current suspicion is a combination of the combined stuff the were discussing and a couple outdated mods that got caught between updates. i had removed settlement mods few days after vault-tec came out so could play game and since have updated many mods. Its possible that a shrub or some grass or something was still attached to one of the combined things they were discussing and the engine compensated by loading other attached items. Or something like that anyway, its feasible in machine terms. Decided to keep sanctuary vanilla for this playthrough, it is fun building it around the stuff there but have reloaded all the other mods i had and will see if happens again. If does ill get some better shots and copy load order n such to see if can track down. Again thx for the help.


Slightly diff topic but i have a post in mod talk asking about custom esp. Is a big message so will put link here, i would appreciate any input ya can give. Even some links to good tutorials would help.



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