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Bethesda...what have you done to my beloved Lydia?


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So yeah, I am convinced the new game patch gimped Lydia. She was able to hold her own in most battles before, but now she is getting her ass kicked BIG TIME!


I am a level 33 Redguard and could hold my own in battle, and Lydia could be counted on to do the same and help wipe out the baddies. Now, from some oddball reason, she dies at the hand of enemies that should give us no problems. I mean she died from FALMER Guards for kreiss sakes!!! Ditto the random bandit encounter. Then I took her to cough**a certain Dragon fight**cough....yeah, BIG mistake that was! Not only did I have to re-fight it, but after it killed her her body was nowhere to be found so I couldn't even resurrect her via console! I was like WTF?? She is wearing all the default plate armor and is equipped with a fairly strong orcish sword...so I don't know what's up with her.


So yeah, I think I'll be traveling solo from now on, because Lydia is pretty gimped now and I think the patch may have had something to do with it. Let her stay home and keep the bed warm for me :D

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Try finding out her stats via console command "getavinfo (stat)" while clicking on her. If you think it's too low you can add to any stat using "modav (stat) #."


For instance, if you think Lydia should have an added 100 health then after selecting her via console type "modav health 100."

Edited by YeeeHaw83
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Quite frankly, the follower ai needs some finetuning in general. However, Lydia never was really that helpful for me other than as a decoy. She's set at one level below the player character which is gonna be about equal with many enemies.


I would suggest either buff her stats via console or go get someone else. I made Sapphire my follower. She's got a high sneak and light armor skill rating and is set at two levels.above the player character. Good choice for more strategic combat options.


If Lydia could tank a little better she'd be useful. Give her some good heavy armor and.make sure she's set up with a onehanded/shield combat style as that's where she excells. If you give her.light armor and twohanded she's toast.

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I'm still on my first playthrough but I can't see using any companians right now. I play the game at Master and my Orc girl just plows through the enemies. I'm not looking for ways to make the combat easier. Plus, companions always seem to be standing in tight doorways that you need to get through, etc. I prefer to just keep them in my houses as butlers. And now that I think of it, I should probably get rid of Lydia & swap her for one of those nice dogs. I like coming home to a friendly dog. Very relaxing.
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Heh, I was told I can use something called "disable/enable" in the console to bring her stats up to mine. I may end up doing this later, but for now I actually want to try playing the game completely solo and see how I manage on my own. Let's see what happens....


Oh and someone else made this comment on another forum....."set her suicidal ass to essential"....what does he mean by this?

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