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(HELP) Enchantment to Arrows...


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I'm using FOMM +TES


I got a new .esp file open


Layout shows:





-- WEAP (EnchOrcBattleAxefire02)

+ GRUP (Ench)

-- ENCH (EnchWeaponFireDamage02)


-- AMMO (IronArrowFire)


If I change AMMO to WEAP the Record shows:


Type: WEAP
FormID: 00882222
Flags 1: 00000000
Flags 2: 0055691b
Flags 3: 00080028
Subrecords: 13
Size: 209 bytes (excluding header)

[Formatted information]

EDID (Editor ID)
Editor ID: IronArrow

FULL (Name)
Name: Í}

MODL (Model NIF)
Nif File Path: Weapons\Iron\IronArrow.nif

EITM (Enchantment Record)
Form ID: 00045C2A: ENCH (EnchWeaponFireDamage02)

EAMT (Enchantment Charge Amount)
Amount: 1000


But if I keep it AMMO the records show:


Type: AMMO
FormID: 00882222
Flags 1: 00000000
Flags 2: 0055691b
Flags 3: 00080028
Subrecords: 13
Size: 209 bytes (excluding header)

[Formatted information]
Ammunition Type

EDID (Editor ID)
Editor ID: IronArrow

Unknown: -3735553

FULL (Full Name)
Name: Í}

MODL (Ammo Model)
File Path: Weapons\Iron\IronArrow.nif


If I keep it as WEAP... When I'm in game and equip it, its wielded to main hand as a melee weapon.

I I keep it as AMMO... I can wield it as an ammo slot but no enchantment :(


Anybody that can help ?

Edited by reptoon
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Might be because there's no code in skyrim that specifies the use of enchantments via arrows. Simply put, if they're treated as 'ammo' then the game ignores any form of enchantment simply because there's no code to handle it.


If you were a crazy hacker you'd recode bows to use weapons as ammo and change stacks of arrows to weapons, then enable stacks of arrows to be enchanted as if they were a single weapon on the table but disable enchanting stacks of other weapons. Then have the bow shoot weapons instead of ammo that preserved the bow's enchantment and added it to its own. Then have a script that prevented equipping the hax fakearrows.


But we don't know any of THOSE people.


As a side effect you could have bows that shoot chairs.

Enchanted chairs.

That you could wield and swing around like a club.

That launch cabbages.

Edited by Midicow
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Might be because there's no code in skyrim that specifies the use of enchantments via arrows. Simply put, if they're treated as 'ammo' then the game ignores any form of enchantment simply because there's no code to handle it.


If you were a crazy hacker you'd recode bows to use weapons as ammo and change stacks of arrows to weapons, then enable stacks of arrows to be enchanted as if they were a single weapon on the table but disable enchanting stacks of other weapons. Then have the bow shoot weapons instead of ammo that preserved the bow's enchantment and added it to its own. Then have a script that prevented equipping the hax fakearrows.


But we don't know any of THOSE people.


As a side effect you could have bows that shoot chairs.

Enchanted chairs.

That you could wield and swing around like a club.

That launch cabbages.



Fair enough. I spent a few hours for nothing. But learned some other vital stuff I could use elsewhere. Thanks.

I'll also note, nice ending to that post. Who wouldn't want to launch cabbages.


This will most likely be possible with the CK eh ?

Edited by reptoon
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