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everytime windows does an update , it makes my game crash on startup


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now ive made a similar thread before , i was asking why my game was suddenly crashing when i have an enb installed , and eventually i fixed it , but i forget how i fixed it lol


but now i know WHY it does this . and its because when windows updates , i dont know how , but it messes with the game files or something .


is there anyway i can make this stop ? i dont want to fix my game every time windows does an update ..

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If it's a Windows version prior to Win 10 you can turn off automatic updates and just have Windows notify you that updates are available.


The trick is then you don't just take all the updates it wants to shove at you ... for example I will never allow Microsoft to update any hardware drivers. Depending on your Windows version you will need to figure out how to get Windows Update to show you the list of available updates, where you can select what to update and what not to (they do go out of their way to make finding it non-intuitive, after all Microsoft believes your computer belongs to them for their use as a data collection device to generate revenue for Bill Gates et al).


I believe that they have made that for all intents and purposes impossible if you are stuck with Win 10. I think if you do manage to find how to opt out of automatic updates you are forever locked out of updates (but I could be wrong about the forever part ... as I have no intention of ever using Win 10 it's a moot point for me).

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If it's a Windows version prior to Win 10 you can turn off automatic updates and just have Windows notify you that updates are available.


The trick is then you don't just take all the updates it wants to shove at you ... for example I will never allow Microsoft to update any hardware drivers. Depending on your Windows version you will need to figure out how to get Windows Update to show you the list of available updates, where you can select what to update and what not to (they do go out of their way to make finding it non-intuitive, after all Microsoft believes your computer belongs to them for their use as a data collection device to generate revenue for Bill Gates et al).


I believe that they have made that for all intents and purposes impossible if you are stuck with Win 10. I think if you do manage to find how to opt out of automatic updates you are forever locked out of updates (but I could be wrong about the forever part ... as I have no intention of ever using Win 10 it's a moot point for me).


so the only way i can fix it is to just disable automatic windows updates ?? thats it ?? well damn i guess ill just do that then lol that was simpler than i thought .

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Just be aware that once you have done that you are taking responsibility for keeping your computer up to date with security updates. Turn on notifications for security updates so that you'll at least get a warning that updates are available, and be disiplined in following up that notification with running Windows Update. It will try to get you back onto automatic updates, so watch what you click while manually running Windows Update.
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