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Will modders be able to optimize the game?


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Once the creation kit comes out, is it technically possible for modders to tinker with the game engine and optimize the game so that..

1) shadow will be render on gpu.

2) cpu bottleneck eliminated by making the game use all 4 cores instead of 2.

3) Low fps in town gone.

4) Game utilize the cpu and gpu more.


One thing that have me confused is that modders weren't able to do the same for oblivion, sure there are some performance mod but they weren't able to make the game use dual cores instead of just 1

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1 - We can improve the shadow maps(Higher resolution), but they will require more powerful hardware to render.

2 - Nope, making the game use more than 2 cores would require recoding the entire game engine from the ground up to support 4 cores.

3 - It's possible that we can make some improvements in this area via better meshes, textures and shaders.

4 - Nope and Nope again both would require recoding.


The Creation engine is based on the Gamebyro engine and so we are limited in how much we can change, eg cant fix the shadow rendering engine as the game only supports

shadow maps rather than per pixel shadows


We can certainly improve things tho .. just cant radically change core game functions.

Edited by Pixelfrog1
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Most of the changes you ask for is hard coded and game-engine related. We are not allowed to touch either, and are only able to add in models, textures and scripts.

We can optimize models, we can optimize textures, we can optimize anything related to the models. We can not, however, change how any cores. To do that you need to edit the game engine, and then you kind of need to buy the source code and get the rights from Bethesda. Not doable for anybody really.

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