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Should i join the imperial legion or stormcloaks?


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To me this was the easiest choice ever. I went Stormcloak all the way. I am a Nord but that really didn't affect my decision so much as at the beginning THE IMPERIALS TRIED TO f***in KILL YOU! I mean seriously you're just trying to cross the border and you get picked up and given the death sentence just because you were close to where they ambushed the Stormcloaks. No trial, not investigation, no nothing, just we'll cut his head off like everyone else. Well just because of that I was all like f*** YOU EMPIRE and then on killed every Imperial soldier I saw and led the Stormcloaks to victory against the empire.


I also didn't like how they kind ofo bitched out and gave in to the Thalmor. f*** those guys too.

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Kraeten: I didn't know we could ignore people's posts. Took a bit of digging in the menus to find out how (since the search isn't working atm) but what a great little feature that is. Thanks for that!


No problem! Glad I could help! :smile:

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It's hard to role-play aside the fact you were 1 second away from Sovngarde. Hadvar repeatedly calling me prisoner while I'm trying to escape makes me feel like Mr. Creosote being offered that wafer thin mint. Enough already.
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I think it really depends on what race and type of character you play.

Here, check this map was very usefull for me: Tamriel Factions 4th Era


Now for example lets say you are playing Altmer mage, obvious choice would be to join Nords in order to weaken Empire. But If you play as Dunmer than your character would be much more likely to join Empire as Dunmer detest Altmers. And Orc or Redgard warior might be just a mercenery looking for payment, then it's Empire they'd join most likely.

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I joined the stormcloaks because the empire was trying to kill me and all that. But the end result of stormcloak victory was terrible, lots of royal people boohooing and some cities were all messed up afterwards. So I reverted to an earlier save and went to the empire instead. I noticed that the aftermath of an imperial victory is cleaned up much better than that of the stormcloaks. Either the writers were trying to emphasize just how much of a jerk ulfric really is or they were trying to convey the consequences of joining the wrong side?


I skipped the whole civil war thing until after completing the main quest line to kill the main dragon which made it possible to play some other quests that would have been missed otherwise.


Taking over whiterun for the stormcloaks messed up the jarl's kids, some of his kids were missing after he moved into the basement of the blue palace. So it is obvious that the writers are trying to convey that the stormcloaks are bad ultimately. I hate the empire though, this one corrupt group of imperials south of riften tried to jump me for not paying their stupid fine so I gutted them all and took their stuff. I thought they were supposed to be all civilized and uphold the law? Well guess not for some of them.


The idea of joining a rebellion in a game is more interesting because there is more room to make a difference I think they should have handled the civil war differently so that the battles were not complete takeovers of cities but instead to finally come to an agreement with the empire that no matter what the thalmor want, the people of skyrim will do as they please. Would have been cool to have a team up series of quests afterwards where both the empire and stormcloaks worked together to throw out the thalmor and supply troops to the borders of skyrim and high rock to hold off the aldmeri dominion but I guess that would take away from DLC opportunity later on lol.

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The jarl said that the worship was given as a reward to Ulfric's men as they helped conquer the reach from the forsworn. Then the thalmor embassy came in with and helped arrest all of them which created the stormcloak rebellion.

The thalmor embassy are the true tards. Even some thalmor hate them. Mer can go both ways between the imperials and the stormcloaks. Everyone hate the thalmor embassy, but that has already been settled.


The imperials are making the best out of a bad situation. But they are too spineless to realize everyone hates the thalmor embassy. All of tamriel hates them, from the redguard to the khajit.


The stormcloaks aren't terrible. They got a reason to fight and can kick ass for it (gave a prisoner an iron axe and he killed the imperials with the use of a mod that allows him to use the damn thing). Anyone who has played oblivion knows how badass a priest can be and how awesome the septims were. And whats not to love about a viking messiah?

But all that aside, a test to see the killing potential of the average stormcloak vs the average imperial, 100 imperials and 100 stormcloaks and around 60 stormcloaks were left.

Ulfric isn't a terrible racist aardtard. Especially with console commands you can turn him into a dragon shouting companion. Can't do that to the granny of solitude (hopefully). Only the most stubborn of nords are racist and the elves don't live in terrible conditions and their seems to be much trade between the mer sailors. mermaids mmm


All are apparently equal, but my friend has played both and said killing an imperial is easier than killing a stormcloak and most of the jarls turn in to ladies by the end of it. My other friend said he got his panties in a bunch when he joined the imperials as a damn lizard.


The Thalmor Ambessy are just trying to weaken humans so they can take the empire. But wouldn't everyone just love to have war with the thalmor embassy in the following dlc? Maybe with a few lusty argonian maids.


I haven't joined anyone. but after my sidequests are done and the jarls bidings have been silenced, personally I'll join the dragons. Maybe pillage a few towns.


In the end, join whatever you guys feel morally align with. The imperials are just trying to make the best out of a terrible time and they wanted to cut your head off and the stormcloaks want skyrim back with talos to pleasure themselves with. In the end, they are all just racist biggots. The only wise and understanding one is Sheogorath.


Also, I completely agree with the comment above.

Edited by 2CoolCarlos
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Yes, I do promise. I don't even have an Imperial axe to grind here.


Besides you change the basis of your position (from "current" to "future" Skyrim), more fronts mattering (it was your own point) then not mattering, state things as fact then revert them to speculation when challenged, ignore or write-off any evidence against your position as biased while refusing to acknowledge any bias in your own sources etc etc etc that it's impossible to hold an actual debate about this with you.


It's like arguing with a Christian about the existence of God. No amount of evidence, cajoling, or argument will shift you even one iota (even when it's not even the core of your belief being challenged you just will not accept any possibility that you are wrong).


The Christian thing was a bit too far. Without Christianity, their would have been no Renaissance or America. The day everyone learns to except each others differences to coexist just for a bit instead of killing each other is the day I buy a Klondike Bar. Humans are all horrible all in their own special way. Except Morgan Freeman.

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The Christian thing was a bit too far. Without Christianity, their would have been no Renaissance or America.


You can't prove that one bit. Christianity may have played a part in both of those, but without it, maybe something better would have happened (or worse). Progression doesn't just come to a grinding halt because of one thing being taken out of the mix. If you're building a house and a contractor drops the project you don't quit building the house, you get another one or you find another way to do it.


That's the problem with religion. "Faith" pushes logic out the window.

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