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Should i join the imperial legion or stormcloaks?


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If you're a somewhat naive idealist and like to take on more recent issues than dealing with the problems of the future, you're a Stormcloak.


If you like acting with a perfect plan that deals with the problems of the present and the future at the same time and like to keep your head down if the situation requires it, you're an Imperial.

Edited by eLucifer
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I tend to side with the Imperials because I want Talos worship restpred in the long term, rather than a intermittent restoration. The peace with the dominion is already falling apart and the empire and the dominion will go head to head very soon, probably in a DLC story. The empire is better suited to that fight than the stormcloaks and will restore the worship once they wipe the dominion off the map. If I could give the stormcloaks the same resources and take away some of the racism, I'd side with them, but as it stands, I go with the imperials as the lesser of two evils.
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Forget the racist Stormcloaks, i wanted to be racist and a fascist high-king dictator but the game never gave me the chance! Games are still too restricted for my liking! :(
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Don't fail to see that most of the "empire" in skyrim is acutally people from there, with a high king to unite ALL of skyrim, the aldmeri deminion would be totally screwed, the empire would have to kiss skyrim butt and become a strong ally or face extinction.
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Don't fail to see that most of the "empire" in skyrim is acutally people from there, with a high king to unite ALL of skyrim, the aldmeri deminion would be totally screwed, the empire would have to kiss skyrim butt and become a strong ally or face extinction.


you believe that Skyrim on its own could do what the Empire, including Skyrim, couldn't do? assuming that Ulfric could actually unite Skyrim with so many Nords supporting the Empire.

Skyrim on its own, even united under a high king, wouldn't have a chance against the Dominion.

the Empire, including a united Skyrim and the Dragonborn, has a much better chance of defeating the Dominion.


anyone who thinks the Empire has gone along with the ban on Talos should have a look around the Empire controlled cities of Whiterun and Markath. both openly allow Talos worship in defiance of the Dominion.

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Okay, let me just say this... I am so irritated of how the only thing people want to talk about in skyrim is " <whinning> Oh my goossshhh... the war is terrible! i wish it would just eeeennnndddd!!!!!! ASAP!!!!". So, i'ma join one of the two sides and put an end to this god-damned war so people would shutup about it.


Only problem is, who do i join? Imperials or stormcloaks? I'm an Imperial so i should probably stand with my fellow brothers and sisters of cyrodiil. but then again.... the stormcloaks just want to be able to have their home back, the bloody imperials took it away from them! So apparently, in my point of view, imperial legion is evil!!

But if i join the stormcloaks, i'd be betraying my heritage... I'm not sure my ancestors (morrowind and oblivion charecters) would approve of it... :thumbsup:


So, who should i join? the imperial legion? or the stormy cloaks?


There's two ways to go about this.


1) Roleplay, and pick the side you think you character would pick. If you play a Nord who happens to worship Talos, you will probably join the Stormcloaks. Play an Imperial who's not really that religious, joining the Empire might make more sense. If you play an altmer you could go either way depend on wether you are for or against the Thalmor, and so on.


2) Talk to people on both sides and pick the one you think has the best arguments, or the guys you think would be the best. There's no real right answer because the entire thing was designed to be extremely ambiguous. It does tend to polarize people a lot, though, so you will probably find you prefer one over the other.

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No matter how hard I try, the mere fact that they were trying to take my head off at Helgen means I can't join the Imperials. I guess Ralof is right, they showed their true colors at Helgen. In the absence of my character having a pre-existing character background - the Imperials will get what is coming to them.


Also, the few times I've followed the Imperial out of Helgen the guy kept referring to me as "prisoner". Dude, we are trying to escape with out lives and you still insist on calling me prisoner?


To be fair, if you decide to stick with Hadvar (which can be justified despite the near decapitation, what with the confusion and all) the first thing that happens after you have your hands untied is you and Hadvar getting attacked by some Stormcloaks even after Hadvar tried to reason with them. So there's that.


On the other hand, following Ralof lets you walk out of Helgen with a lot better loot, plus you get the satisfaction of axing the imperial officer who sent you to the block because she didn't want to deal with more paperwork.


Anyway, remember that following Ralof at Helgen is not the same thing as joining the Stormcloaks. You can still head up to Solitude and join the Legion. (Or vice versa.)

Edited by Relativelybest
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