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Jump height magic effect & spell

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I understand this has been gone over a few times. However, I'm just not getting the issue (after a few videos and the magic effects and spells pages on the wiki).


I would like to create a persistant and auto adjustment to jump height, up to 1000, granted based on worldspace.
I've created a magic effect and a spell.
...but something is just not firing.
Does it need a quest? Admittedly, very iffy on quests, I am.
A script somewhere that I've missed? Same iffy'ness with this.
Does it need to be a perk instead?


Obviously I missing something.


Any kind suggestions?


Thank you.



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I don't usually bump topics, but this is pretty much the last thing holding up a beta release of the mod. It's a rather significant piece of the puzzle.


So, if someone spots something off in the above image, or has a suggestion, or would like to tell me I've gone the complete wrong direction, I'd really appreciate a mention of it.


Otherwise, as a plan B, I'll be suggesting to users that they bring a jet pack and/or use a secondary mod (or I provide an "optional" mod that does same) that adjusts the global jump and fall values...and I really dislike relying on other mods to provide what should already be there. =(


Thank you.

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