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GTX 1070 FPS Problem


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<But even with all mods its stable 60. Its just in very random areas the fps decays.>

  • <Dx12 card running a dx9 game> install Direct x 9 C.
  • Need to know if your GPU is working fine without mods : deactivate ALL your mods and try in those areas. If your FPS drops, the problem is not mod related.
  • If you're using an ENB graphic or ENBOOST, deacvtivate it and try again.
  • Make sure you're not using redundant patches such as SSME, skse.ini in the same time.
  • Always mods deactivated, have you tried to backup your ini files and delete the files ? Skyrim.ini / SkyrimCustom.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini found in C:\Users\Utilisateur\Documents\My Games\Skyrim then use your vanilla launcher to autodetect and use best settings for your computer and test in game, to be sure it's not related to inis.
  • Verify gamecache.

Good luck.

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the install is only 2 days old

gtx Gigabyte 670 OC

Windows install.. maybe 2-3 years

Windows installed on a 128gb SSD

Skyrim installed on a 2TB 7200 RPM Drive

850w XFX Gold PSU


Your system is heavily overclocked you are running un buffered memory.

When you set up your overclock did you lock in the PCI Express at 100 hertz and did you set the memory divider to give you a stable overclock?

By your symptomology you are experiencing a memory hole situation and this can be exacerbated by poor drivers or a corrupted Windows installation.


What brand is the SSD?

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Try reverting your overclocks back to stock speeds. I have heard that extreme OC like you have can sometimes cause issues. Since its quick and easy to change OC settings it's worth a try.


I run a mild CPU overclock and have no issues. But it's nowhere close to yours. Same CPU but at a measly 4ghz lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

okay back at home now.


Used DDU to reinstall the newest Gtx 1070 drivers.

Put my CPU OC speed to 4.0 Down from 4.7

installed DX 9.C


Nothing changed so far :sad:


edit. infact installing DX 9.C is crashing skyrim on game save file loading now.

I did each of these things 1 at a time. not all 3 at once.

Edited by kayden87
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I will give it a shot and see. What I did as a test also was turn off ALL mods that changed textures and turned off ENB. my FPS slowly still decayed in some areas. So im re-installing Skyrim again.

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