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Skyrim isn't dumbed down. Purists are.


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anyone else notice this trend;

-when oblivion came out all the morrowind players kept saying how much better x was in morrowind then in oblivion.



I sid it before and say it again. Morrowind was groundbreaking when it came out in 2002. I never was a big fan of Oblivion. I probably only made up three or four characters and it collects dust since Neverwinter Nights II was released. So I can easily say, Skyrim is better than vanilla Oblivion. However there are issues and a lot of these issues are closely connected to aiming for the lowest common (technical) denominator. And that would be the xbox.


Also there's a disturbing tendency of game developers looking to phish for the COD crowd. They're only looking at the sales figures and automatically assume, making a game more action based and less complicated will automatically draw a certain group of players.

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They didn't "Dumb" it down really as much as they just reinvented the same thing in a new way.


Rather then learning Blade skill, you now put a perk into it. Same thing with a new twist.


What bothers me is when they take the Personal Freedom aspects of the game and REMOVE THEM all together.


2 simple examples would be "Poisoning Food" and "Crafting Custom Spells"


These are immersive features that were just left out or removed before launch, either way you slice it they should have been there.


I have played TES games since ARENA,... yes I said ARENA. ( I even recall having to search through my players book to find the key words that would let me into the game )


The one thing that has always erked me about ANY GAME SERIES is when a game removes features that clearly were GOOD features.


There really is no excuse for this other then "We got lazy on that feature and gave up on it"


Everybody has their own method of playing RPG games, and there is no RIGHT way or WRONG way honestly to do this.


Some people play for the level grind, these people tend to be GOAL driven and want to achieve goals to feel like they are progressing.


The other approach is what I call immersive gamer's, these people enjoy absorbing the world around them and appreciate the smaller details.



While I could sit here all day and argue the pros and cons of any game let alone Skyrim, I think it is best at times to take a step back and realize that just because you don't like something doesn't in any way shape or form conclude that it is in fact BAD or WRONG.


Learn to accept that not everything will be how you want it, when the TES Design KIT comes out for Skyrim I suggest learning how to use it and be a solution to a problem rather then a loud speaker for it.

Edited by darkjedi73200
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