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What if I were to delete the "fail safe spawn"? Would it spawn nothing or just an "empty" container (i.e. a naked raider again?)


Or perhaps if I edited the "fail safe" spawn and changed it into an actual radroach (its race and everything), would the game spawn a radroach instead?

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I don't know but you are gonna run in to a lot of trouble.

There is no easy way of doing what you want to do, so either drop the idea or do it the hard way.


Below is what I would assume is going to happen, cause I don't know how the fail safe spawn works exactly

Lots of lvled actors draw from different LChar records, so what if 1 returns something and another doesn't? If the Face/Gender LChar returns, you're going to have a human with radroach Data.

If the Face/gender doesn't return but the rest does, you're gonna have a radroach with human Stats and Inventory.

Then there is lvled actors called lvlXXXmelee or another variation, that doesn't use inventory Data from LChar, but directly from another template. If nothing at all returns, you now have a radroach with melee template inventory.

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Somehow I knew when I first had this idea that it would be a massive pain in the butt. Haha...


Just for fun I am now deleting both lists and setting the failsafe to "none" just to see what happens. (Should be funny at least XD)



I guess one last question would be, would there be a way to somehow find the object marker which places a raider in the game world, and somehow edit its template? (i.e. rather than manually remove each individual marker from the game world I could mess with a template it uses).


Another idea I had would be to somehow use FO4Edit to find and delete these markers... I can see a lot of what I'd need to delete using the "use info" tool from the Kit and then delete them in FO4Edit. (Honestly I wouldn't mind so much manually deleting records, but it takes a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time for the cells to load in the Creation Kit every time I want to view its objects... :P)



Anyway however this ends, I just want to say a big thank you for all your help. It's looking more and more like I'll just end up saying "f*#@ it" and dropping the whole thing... Maybe I'll go begging to the forums so that someone who actually knows what they are doing can make this mod! :(

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If you delete the Lchar list I assume the lvled actor will just use its own data.

the lvlxxxxx is what is placed in the world, it leaves a nice M in the renderwindow, which changes color based on difficulty. The most common are just the base lvlraider for example but there is also lvlraidermelee and so on.

Some quest create new lvled actors when the quest is started, some just spawn more when needed, so its so deeply nested that I think a script would be the most sane way to this.


I know Fo4edit has a base script that allows you to remove a certain percentage of a specific thing but not quite sure how it works.

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Alright, well as soon as people say the word "script" I immediately crumble into a fetal position and hum myself lullabies. I have no idea how to even *begin* to learn how to script using papyrus.


I'll just chalk up the whole experience to "would have been nice". I just have to swallow my pride and accept that this stuff is over my head.


Thanks again for the help!

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Not to discourage you but, I like to script and I welcome challenges, but this one would be one of them "Is the effort really worth the prize?" and I would probably answer no to that.

If the system were different, perhaps, but not under the current conditions.


Though, The base Fo4edit scripts are already coded into Fo4edit. Just right click a mod and "apply script" and a list comes up with the scripts that you can use. Most of them have descriptions that tells you what you need to input.

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  • 6 months later...
  On 4/19/2017 at 5:13 PM, track1044 said:

lvlraider is what is placed in the world, its a "container" of data so to speak, right click and "use info" and you can see where its used and placed. Lvlraider is not a template, its a leveled actor. The data inside the LChar Records are templates. When the lvlraider gets loaded it picks a template from the set LChar records and uses the picked Data.

I don't think you will be able to make them spawn on chance unless you use a script and replace the lvlxxx with a marker with the script.


As I said, LChar records is NOT a lvled list. It shares the same interface, yes and functionality, but LChar is nothing but a data holder, that lvled actors use when they spawn.

LL_xxx items are different as they, very simply put, become the item that is calculated from their list or disappears if it was below the chance.

Lvled Actors on the other hand, already exists in the game world when the data is pulled, so if LChar returns nothing then the game uses the fail safe spawn.


Hey Track1044, I know this is severely necro'd but you seem to know your leveled lists and I am seeking guidance on something I want to do; specifically, is it possible and if so, is the way I want to do it the correct way...


So I want to randomly add a perk to a percentile amount of Raiders. I assume I will be using LVLRaider. Looking at it, I see I can attach a script - which is where I would do a simple utility.randomint check to see if a perk will be added or not. Am I okay with this so far?


I guess another question about this is, will the script run on a per-NPC basis upon their individual spawns into the world or is this a one and done for EVERY raider that will ever spawn?


Is this the correct approach to take to do what I am seeking, or is there another, better way to your knowledge?

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You can add a perk with a script, but it wont work. This also goes for magic effects etc.

The perk will appear, but it wont do anything.


Only perks that are given within the NPC record will work.

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  On 11/14/2017 at 1:43 PM, Zzyxzz said:

You can add a perk with a script, but it wont work. This also goes for magic effects etc.

The perk will appear, but it wont do anything.


Only perks that are given within the NPC record will work.


The perk isnt really a perk. Its used as a flag for disease carrying individuals so that they can infect others without the perk in their record. So its fine that it does nothing to the NPC - my only desire was for it to show on their prid values, which is does. :)

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