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Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn Reloaded


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I realize I haven't posted any new pics in the forum for a while; here are some new pics of the Slums!





It looks good, particularly the texture work. I especially like the narrow alley with all the outdoor shops. But the ground surface seems a little too flat to me, as does the rim of the outer wall. Maybe the latter doesn't matter that much though.


P.S. I'm finding that those tudor window placeables need to be scaled up a bit so that they look similar to the building windows. I've been getting decent results with a x1.2 scale factor.


These look great Drew, I'm with RJS though. Some height noise on the roads to take the flatness out might improve the area.


Unless it's just the images that are flatening it out?





Within the game, the area map can still show those areas along the sides where there are no buildings. Something I'm trying out is painting those blank exterior areas with black; much as the borders of the areas were painted black for the OM in SoZ. It saves having to decorate them out. (The black areas can't otherwise be seen in the game.)


I did that for quite a few areas and I don't think it detracts from the look of the map at all. If anything it provides focus.



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I think it might just be the image. Basically anywhere you see the grey cobblestone is where the road dips down, and there's some additional height variation. In general though, the area comes out flat (there's no slope from one side to the other for example).


EDIT: Here are some different angles:




rjshae, on 16 Jun 2015 - 10:00 AM, said:snapback.png

P.S. I'm finding that those tudor window placeables need to be scaled up a bit so that they look similar to the building windows. I've been getting decent results with a x1.2 scale factor.

Good idea; I just scaled them and I agree, I think they look better at x1.2. Thanks! smile.png

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hi, i have done all the area for watcher keep, and i am currently scripting those 27 area. My current shedule is september for the end of this task.


TOB main quest lane is fully done but only fully debuged and operational up to Amkhetran.


The scripting of some area in watcher keep is really crazy.

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Arkalezth, on 24 Jun 2015 - 07:12 AM, said:snapback.png

Regarding the slums screenshots:


I don't even know if it'll be noticeable when playing, and I don't know crap about the toolset, but for the sake of nitpicking, could the wall by the planar sphere look a bit more... broken?


Nice pics, regardless. I like the Jansens' garden; I can almost see the turnips.


The idea is that the planar sphere didn't destroy anything, it just kinda "replaced" and neatly cut through everything it touched if that makes sense.



You're right, I just checked with the NPCs near the sphere in game. I didn't remember about that detail, and thought it had just crashed there. The building next to it does have a broken roof, which may explain the confusion, though I suppose it was already broken beforehand.

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Wing model for decor 03 by 4760, double depth castle room by RJS, Calister did the braziers and the rest; textures, lighting etc by yours truly.


I've decorated a few bedrooms in my time but this one wins the prize smile.png







amazing custom content in here




That is one of the nicer looking areas I've seen for NWN2.


The place is certainly well maintained; clean tiles and no cobwebs...



I thought about that for a long while. The OC area shows a lot of decay which would take many hours of cc building to recreate. However I don't think it's worth the time. Firstly because I don't have the time, and secondly because why would it decay? Large areas of missing floor tiles add visual interest but who took them? There's not enough foot traffic to wear them down and they would not just disappear. Robbed out tombs I can understand but vampires don't suffer grave robbers too well.


I've settled for using a muted palette even though the OC area is quite brightly colored and lit. I hope I have an area that looks like it's old but not fallen into disrepair.


Or maybe I haven't, either way I am satisfied and need to move on to the next level. Tchos kindly pointed out some oddities with this image that I will fix but, aside from that, it's on to level three which has some really tricky areas to do sad.png





I'm forgetting, which area is that?



Dace's bedroom in the spell hold chase area. Dace is a vampire, you need his hand to progress.


Ah ... was that a spoiler?



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Watcher keep is progressing slowly, I"d need wild magic to reproduce it faithfully, so iI a going to give it a shoot. If I can do it, then doing the "wild mage" will be super easy.



I believe Wild Magic areas are scripted in the Community Script Library...



I created a simple wild magic spell hook script for an area in my current module.




#include "x2_inc_switches"
#include "NW_I0_SPELLS"

void BackLash(int iDmg)
effect eDamage = EffectDamage(iDmg, DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL, DAMAGE_POWER_ENERGY, TRUE);
effect eVFX = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_HIT_AOE_MAGIC);
ApplyEffectAtLocation(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eVFX, GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF));

void RandomDamage(int iDmg, object oTarget)
int iRnd = Random(9)+3;
int iVFX;
int iDurType = 0;
effect eRndDmg;
string sPoly = "00000607094041";
int iPoly;
int iDmgType = FloatToInt(pow(2.0, IntToFloat(iRnd)));

switch (iDmgType)
case 8:
iVFX = 76;
case 16:
iVFX = 44;
case 32:
iVFX = 63;
case 64:
iVFX = 98;
case 128:
iVFX = 74;
case 256:
iVFX = 61;
case 512:
iVFX = 81;
case 1024:
iVFX = 584;
case 2048:
iVFX = 588;

int iEffect = Random(7)+1;
switch (iEffect)
case 1:
eRndDmg = EffectDamage(iDmg, iDmgType, DAMAGE_POWER_ENERGY, FALSE);
case 2:
iVFX = 68;
eRndDmg = EffectHeal(iDmg);
case 3:
iVFX = 654;
iDurType = 1;
eRndDmg = EffectHaste();
case 4:
iVFX = 716;
iDurType = 1;
eRndDmg = EffectSlow();
case 5:
iDurType = 1;
iVFX = 85;
iPoly = StringToInt(GetSubString(sPoly, d6(1)*2, 2));
eRndDmg = EffectPolymorph(iPoly, TRUE, FALSE);
case 6:
iDurType = 1;
iVFX = 6;
eRndDmg = EffectInvisibility(INVISIBILITY_TYPE_NORMAL);
case 7:
iDurType = 1;
iVFX = 652;
eRndDmg = EffectSeeInvisible();
}// end switch
effect eVFX = EffectVisualEffect(iVFX);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eVFX, oTarget);
ApplyEffectToObject(iDurType, eRndDmg, oTarget, IntToFloat(iDmg*2));

void main()
int iSpell = GetSpellId();
object oArea = GetArea(OBJECT_SELF);
int iWildmagic = GetLocalInt(oArea, "X2_L_WILD_MAGIC");
if (iWildmagic != 1) return;

int iRandom = d3(1);

if (iSpell >= 344 && iSpell <= 348)
return;//shadow weave spells

int iSpellLevel = GetSpellLevel(iSpell);
int iDmg = d8(iSpellLevel);
location lLoc = GetSpellTargetLocation();
string sType = Get2DAString("spells", "TargetType", iSpell);

switch (iRandom)
case 1:
{ // Caster backlash
SendMessageToPC(OBJECT_SELF, "Wild Magic - Backlash");

case 2:
{ // Random effect
SendMessageToPC(OBJECT_SELF, "Wild Magic - Spell Warped");
object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();
if (GetIsObjectValid(oTarget))
lLoc = GetLocation(oTarget);
float fRadius = IntToFloat(iDmg)/3;

if (sType == "0x3E" || sType == "0x3F" || sType == "0x2E" || sType == "0x2F")
while (GetIsObjectValid(oTarget))
RandomDamage(iDmg, oTarget);
iDmg = d8(iSpellLevel);
}//end while
}// end if
RandomDamage(iDmg, oTarget);
}// end switch





awesome, i'll use it. Simple enought and does enought for my needs. We' ll see later for a real wild magic mage class/system if time allows it.



Eguintir Eligard, on 03 Jul 2015 - 07:39 AM, said:snapback.png

Wild mage. Now there was a useless class


Yes, it's probably a more suitable class for a PnP game. I tried the wild mage party member in BGEE, and she was more disruptive than useful. Still, there's probably some players who would like to play a wild mage PC.






Wild mages are late bloomers, but eventually they can become some of the strongest characters in the game, so not exactly useless (and I didn't run into many troubles with Neera, personally). Regardless, yeah, some people may simply enjoy their playstyle, so I see nothing wrong with adding the class if it's easy to implement.


Wild mage is a class for replay value, for guys who played the game with most of the "normal" archetype and wanna try something different.


That 's how I see it.

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Spell hold ground floor is all but done. RJS and 4760 came to my rescue again with cc models. One of those is not in the image yet. As per my other areas all the texturing lighting etc is by me smile.png


These are the four phases I break down a build into. Layout, textures, placeables the vfx and lighting to finish.


Not too much details here but you will have time enough to decide if you like it or not when you play it.






So what is it you are doing to the textures? Are you doing areas as their own module and then overriding the tileset textures?


Initially yes, that's what I did. Then I found out that is is really easy to add new textures to the 2da. For me the hardest part was finding out how textures were mapped to the tile. Without an understanding of blender texture maps have to be done by hand. Once you know what's where adding the new texture to the 2da and having access to them in the tools turned out to be embarrassingly trivial.



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Looks awesome as always, PJ et al! smile.png


Work's been killing me a bit lately, but I have had some time to work on some more character art. Here's the newest look at Cernd ("old" Cernd died with my old HDD!):






I'm certainly not even a quarter as talented as someone like Xaltar (obviously), but I'm fairly happy with how he turned out and I think it'll be good enough to ship with SOAR following a few more tweaks and some polish. I also figured that since Cernd is my least favorite NPC in BG2, I'd do him first since he'd likely be the worst quality-wise tongue.png

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Druids are certainly a lot more interesting to play in NWN2 than they were in BG2, so perhaps Cernd will prove an interesting pick.



Not being restricted to non-metal armour is a bonus - although it flies in the face of 3.5 rules.


Personally, I never understood why druids weren't supposed to use metal armour. Metal is mined from the earth (which druids have an affinity for), and metals that can be found in their native state (copper, gold, cold iron, etc) require no potentially polluting smelting process to extract them from ore. Yet apparently it's fine for a nature-loving druid to walk around draped in the skin of a dead animal, or to wear magically hardened wooden armour made by killing trees.



I've thought the same thing. Totally agreed. It's the appeal to nature, but specifically excluding certain natural things.


The Elder Scrolls wood elves went in another extreme direction and refuse to use anything made of wood, or to eat any plants (The Green Pact).



Since Cernd was a lycanthrope who was also a druid, perhaps the SRD rules for lycanthropic characters could be applied? Basically a couple of levels of Animal, +2 Wis, +2 natural armor, &c. Alternate form would be a little more difficult, but possibly a custom feat would work.


A decent lycanthropy system (as well as vampirism system) that could be used for players or companions could certainly be done, though it would probably be a chore.


Since the focus of the kit is on the use of wild shape ability, perhaps he should just be given the Extra Wild Shape feat and leave it at that? smile.png


Isnt his lycanthropy part of his story? I forgot because I only ever had him in my party once.


It's part of the kit description. But that was written for AD&D, so some of the restrictions may not be appropriate for D&D v3.5. In particular, the character can't wear any armor presumably because he needs to transform. But in 3.5, the armor merges with the body during wildshape. Not allowing armor would make him a liability, unless it was compensated in some manner.


Tchos, on 23 Jul 2015 - 3:00 PM, said:snapback.png

They probably shouldn't have tried to include a cavalier kit in a game that doesn't support riding horses. I wouldn't appreciate an aviator kit that left out the aircraft, either.


Yes, it was very cavalier of them.


Cernd will be able to lycantrop, I can make a feat for it, but i probably won' t make a PC kit for lycanthropy

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I love the conversation surrounding Cernd, especially since he isn't the most popular of companions like Arkalezth said smile.png


I hate to shift topics, but here's a new screenshot of Nalia in-engine:




Like someone on the Facebook page said, "Nalia needs resting ****** face", and I'm inclined to agree perhaps tongue.png


She doesn't look exactly like the original, but I'm pretty happy with the way she turned out.



Luminus, on 27 Jul 2015 - 11:21 AM, said:snapback.png

Also Nalia is looking good (as well as all the new heads).


Thanks! smile.png



Some on the BGEE forums suggested that she should be a Sorceress (with Invisibility and Knock) and it would be a nice change here, since she is practically a worse copy of Imoen.
Making her kind of redundant. So some class variety like in BGR would be great to see.


Yes, we're thinking of doing something similar with her, especially considering the lack of variety in BG2's NPCs. Nalia has a surprisingly deep backstory and sidequests, so it'd be a shame to not have a reason to keep her around.




Imoen would make a decent arcane trickster character. At higher levels I usually use her as my rogue for locks & traps, but her lack of skill progress was a drawback. I agree that making Nalia a sorceress would be an interesting option.

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