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New to adding Mods, but most don't work? Please Help!


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I'm frustrated that this modding stuff has been so awkward...


But I'll give it a try.


Will return soon.

Modding is not part of the game. Modding is a hobby whereby we can alter the game in ways that was not intended. So in a Do-It-Yourself hobby, yes, it is hard. Some tools are sometimes provided by the companies, but, by and large, the work is all up to us. It doesn't hurt too bad, though.



The Rabbit

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So, after following some guides and spending time removing all my mods and then adjusting my .ini files as suggested in many mods.


Some more mods now function.


Others, especially anything that changes vanilla items, i.e. Pip-boy re-colours, Hooded Rags re-colour and any backpack mod, all remain invisible or don't change anything... I also cannot craft a wide array of items as they remain invisible in the craft or building menus.


I really have no idea what to do anymore... :(

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So for some reason it seems that using the guide offered by Gopher seems to be outdated - at least for me. As soon as I removed the line after "[Archive] as he suggested, everything suddenly worked...


Problem solved for me at least! :D


Thanks for the help!

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